The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1039: It is a blessing or a curse (4)

"Luo Fan?" Shen Yanxiao raised his eyebrows.

The trailing trail sits down from the stake on the side.

"The city owner of Blizzard City should have told you about the stay of Luo Fan in the Dusk City."

"Is the news you released?" Shen Yanxiao is so smart, naturally knowing that Luo Fan was left in the dusk city is absolutely impossible to know. The reason why Longfei knows, I am afraid someone has intentionally revealed it to him. And the person who revealed the news to him must have wanted to convey it to himself through the mouth of Longfei.

Only she did not expect that this is a trace of the back.

"It's me." The paragraph marks decisive recognition.

"What do you want to take Luo Fan to exchange with me? Luo Fan is nothing but a defeat to me in the past. He is worthless in my eyes. It does not necessarily constitute a bargaining chip for you and me." Shen Yanxiao has some lack of interest. Lack, no matter how long the dragon fly and the segment mark look at Luo Fan, she can't really use Luo Fan as her opponent. If Luo Fan is smart, she won't let her discover his existence in the dusk city. He is now exposed. What does she want to check, isn't it a breeze?

Even the ability to hide oneself can't be done, and such an enemy does not bother with her mind.

Duan Shi shook his head and said: "I don't want to take Luo Fan to exchange with you, but to exchange information with him for the elders of Wen, and Luo Fan has been abolished by you. You should be very clear, but If I tell you that Luo Fan is now a great magician, would you still think he is worthless?"

"Luo Fan is a great magician?" Shen Yanxiao was a little surprised. Luo Fan was only a pharmacist during the peak period. How did he hang up with the magician?

Shen Yanxiao’s surprise made him very satisfied. He knew that he had found enough chips.

"I can tell you that Luo Fan will stay in Dusk City because he wants to talk to Wen Changla about the transaction. The content of the transaction is related to why he became a great magician, and one of the rewards he wants. It has something to do with you."

"Speak and listen." Shen Yanxiao's eyes are a bit more serious.

"He promised to help improve the strength of a group of people in the elders, but the elders must remove all the people around you before you leave the dusk city."

"Remove?" Shen Yan Xiao Yan blinked, Wen Chang is really a big appetite.

"I don't know why he doesn't directly retaliate against you, as long as the elders remove the people around you. But what I can be sure of is that the Presbyterian Church promised him that compared with other people in the city, the strength of the collection of the elders is more The bigger it is, the more he pursues it."

"So how do you want to trade with me?" Shen Yanxiao squinted at the corners of his lips and looked at the traces. The traces were very clever. He wouldn’t run for himself for no reason, and she was also very clear and wanted to get More news, it is necessary to carry out this transaction with the paragraph mark, but she is somewhat curious, the paragraph marks want to help himself.

Duan Niu looked at Shen Yanxiao slowly: "I want you to help me kill some people."

"Let me help you kill? You can really see me. If you want to kill, with your red flame beast, you can do it yourself, unless you want to get rid of people, you can't shoot, or Can't let others find out that you are shooting." Shen Yanxiao's words broke the words that have not been finished.


Eight ends

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