The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1040: It is a blessing or a curse (5)

"You are right, those people I can't shoot." The paragraph marks are very simple.

Shen Yanxiao smiled and said: "Is it a person in the elders' home?"

The paragraph marks nodded.

Shen Yanxiao said: "Then the trade between us is not equal. Luo Fan and Wen elders are going to harm me. I also have to see if they have the ability. You tell me their plans. It just makes me move more easily, but you have to What I did, I really want to slaughter the elders of the elders, and I don’t say that you want me to kill a few people, but the people of your Seventh National Elders are all strong with the beasts. Do you think I will promise your deal?" The two parties' pay is totally unequivocal, and Shen Yanxiao will agree unless he is stupid.

"I want to trade with you more than Luo Fan. I can promise you. As long as you help me to do what I want, I can give you all the powers that the Seven Kingdoms have in the ridiculous land, including Dusk City." Duan marks a deep breath.

"Give me?" Shen Yanxiao raised her eyebrows slightly, and she heard an unusual taste in the promise of Duan.

With the goal of the Seventh National Supreme Presbyterian Church, but dare to promise to give her the ridiculous land of the seven countries to her, this commitment is only possible to have only one king of the country.

The appetite of the segment marks is not too small.

"Do you think, I will believe that you can do it?" The idea is good, but the idea is that nothing can be done. She can't do this kind of venture, at least she can't take the risk until she can't determine the strength of the investment.

"I will prove that I can do it. Just give me time, I will let you see the chips I have enough to trade with you." There was a confident and firm expression on the face of Duan's face. "I am not letting you do it right now." The elders' hands will give me a year's time. I will prove that I can do it. After that, it is not too late for you to complete our transaction. Luo Fan's affairs should be given to you in good faith."

Shen Yanxiao smiled, she never thought that there would be such a big ambition for the traces.

What he wants is not the dusk city, he wants the entire seven heavy country!

"A year? I want to see if you can do it. If you really have the confidence to sit on the throne of the Seventh National Emperor after the accidental loss of the people in the Senate, I will promise you the deal." Shen Yan Xiao’s eyes leaped with excitement of fire, and ambitious people could do great things. If there is such a skill in the traces, she might as well push the boat.

"But how do you know that I will want the land of ridiculous land?" Shen Yanxiao looked at the traces, and she had not developed all the areas of the Longxuan Empire. How could the paragraph marks give her the ownership of the ridiculous land? In exchange for her help?

Duan trace looked at Shen Yanxiao and pointed to his own eyes.

"You are not a person who is willing to be restrained. I know that your day does not belong to the Longxuan Empire. You are already developing another city. I have seen ambition in your eyes." Like him, he is not willing to The status quo, do not want to be subject to human ambitions.

Shen Yanxiao has strength and strength. He needs an ally, an ally who can help him eradicate the most critical enemy.

"Oh?" Shen Yanxiao chuckled, she slowly stood up and looked at the paragraph trace: "Segment marks, whether our transaction is successful or not depends on your own strength, if you become a year later, send People will not find me when they go to Japan, I will help you get rid of those who are unsightly."

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