The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1047: This is definitely not a date! (7)

When I saw Shen Yanxiao coming back, the wolf was still stunned.

"Why did the city owner come back so early..." The words of the wolf had not finished yet. Shen Yanxiao had quickly stepped onto the stairs and did not give him alms.

"..." The wolf was sullen, and somehow Shen Yanxiao passed by him, he subconsciously stepped back two steps, his head was lower.

This strong sense of oppression gives him a feeling of deja vu.

Before the wolf smashed out where it was, there were five animals that had already rushed back.

"Wolves, Xiao Xiao is back?" Tang Naji asked as soon as he entered the door.

The wolf raised his finger upstairs.

"Just up, the city owner is not a bit wrong today, how do I think she is a bit strange?" The smiling face suddenly became a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the gas field was invincible.

"It may be ill, let's go back and see."

"Oh, let's go." The wolf always felt a little bit wrong, but for a moment he couldn't think of something wrong.

The five animals quickly went upstairs. The wolf also thought about whether he should follow the past. However, when he thought that Shen Yanxiao had just ignored his own situation, he decided not to provoke the suspicion. The city owner suddenly stopped seeing him. .

My heart hurts and I don't feel like it anymore.

Five animals walked to the door of Shen Yanxiao and knocked on the door, but in the room, there was no reaction for a long time.

"Xiao Xiao, are you there?" Qi Xia asked in a loud voice.

The room is still quiet.

"Don't faint, go in and have a look." Donaghy was deeply impressed by the sad reminder of Shen Yanxiao's illness, and he immediately prepared to lift his foot.

But at the moment when he had lifted his foot, the closed door was suddenly opened.

Shen Yanxiao had a cold face and looked at the five animals standing outside the house.

It is clear that Shen Yanxiao is shorter than the five of them, but somehow, the five people were subconsciously shrinking their necks when they were swept by the indifferent eyes of Shen Yanxiao.

"Is there something?" Shen Yan Xiao language is cold and indifferent.

"Xiao Xiao... Are you a little uncomfortable?" Donaghy swallowed, and he suddenly felt that he was afraid of this familiar Xiao Nizi.

Shen Yanxiao slightly frowned.

"I'm very good."

"That, let Ah Yu give you..." Donnazhi still wants to say something, Shen Yanxiao said directly: "I am tired."

In the next second, she was directly in front of the five beasts, and the door was closed.

A loud bang, the five animals were isolated from the door.

Qi Xia and others glared at the closed door.

This is what is going on!

They didn't offend this little Nizi, how suddenly it became so fierce!

In the room, Suzaku stayed by the bed and looked up at the cold and arrogant Yan Yan. After a while, Shen Yanxiao’s figure stretched out and was gradually shrouded in a black mist. The next second appeared in the room. It is repair.

Above the bed, a silver-haired sullen sleep quietly, the white skin has gone beyond the human range, and the pointed ears are half exposed in the long hair.

At this moment, Shen Yanxiao has become a beautiful elf.


Eight ends

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