The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1048: Source of life (1)

Shen Yanxiao seems to have entered the endless abyss, surrounded by darkness and only a hint of green light at the end of the abyss.

She didn't know how long she had fallen. At the moment she fell to the end, her body slowly fell like a light feather.

A seed with a twinkling green glow floated in the air in front of her eyes.

Shen Yanxiao looked at the seed with a puzzled look, and an inexplicable intimacy attracted her step by step.

She raised her hand and gently touched the fingertips on the seed, and a warm stream immediately ran through her body, dispelling the cold.

"Are you coming?" A gentle female voice rang.

Surrounded by the sorrows of Xiao Yan, I only saw the endless darkness.

However, when she looked at the seed again, she suddenly found the light above the seed, and gradually formed an illusory woman.

The gentleness of the woman’s life, the smiley eyes, people can’t help but want to be close to them.

This face is so familiar, Shen Yanxiao vaguely remembered that she had seen her on the scroll that Shen Feng showed her.

Wen Ya, Shen Yanxiao's mother.

A gentle woman with half of the elf's blood, her person is half as sweet as her name.

It's just a little different from the look on the picture. The elegant long-haired shawl in front of the eyes is fluffy like a seaweed, a pair of pale green eyes with a smile, and the skin is as white as jade.


These words are immediately apparent in Shen Yanxiao’s mind.

The gentle and graceful look of the elf looked at the doubtful Xiao Yan, the translucent hands holding the little seed.

"Mother..." Shen Yanxiao shouted with a subconscious mind, but the two strange words made her slightly glimpse.


She is just a soul that comes through, not the body of the god, but why?

She will have such a warm feeling to Wenya.

As if there is such a blood relative, it seems that her mother should be like this.

Everything looks so natural.

Wen Ya smiled, her smile was warm and touching, like the lily blooming on the grassland in spring.

"When you grow up, I am very happy. The fact that exists in front of your eyes is just a glimpse of my original lingering in your body, so that one day you can tell you about your own life."

Wen Ya's voice is very nice, Shen Yan Xiao listened to her quietly.

"I thought that you may not find this place in your life, but since you are here, it means that the blood of the elf in your body is already awakened. Some things, I have to tell you. I am a combination of human and elf. The child born was originally living in the Shenyue Continent, but I could not meet your father when I went to the bright mainland. I fell in love with him at first sight and gave birth to you."

"Xiao Xiao, some of your body belongs to the blood of the elf. I don't know if this is a good thing for you, or a bad thing. The mixed blood is discriminated against on any continent. There are not many blood in your body. I thought Yes, maybe the day you will wake up in your life. But now that you are here, you are already awakened. From the moment the elf is awakened, you are no longer an ordinary human being. There is a source of life that only elves can have. The source of life is the origin of the elves, similar to the vindictiveness, magic, and spiritual power that human beings practice."

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