The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1049: Source of life (2)

"This seed in front of you is the source of your own life. It is still very weak now, but as you become stronger, this seed will take root in your mind and grow into a dense tree."

"You must remember that from the moment you wake up the blood of your elf, you must protect the source of your life. If one day it is exhausted, then you will be greatly damaged, and when the elf's blood is awakened, you The part of the body that belongs to human beings will also have some confusion. The power of human beings and the power of the elves are somewhat exclusive. You must learn to integrate them in order to exert real power."

"I don't know how much you are doing now, but I have to tell you that before you can fully integrate these two forces, the part that you are human will be suppressed by the blood of the elves, and your strength will be reduced. ""

Reduced... Shen Yan Xiao Yu lived, she knows that there are some elves in her body, but...

This blood is superimposed, isn't it one plus one equals two?

Not only did it not increase, but it will weaken?

Shen Yanxiao wants to vomit blood, she finally broke through the second turn, the determination of this elf blood, it is difficult to beat her back to liberation! !

“How can I get them together?” Shen Yanxiao is a little dumbfounded. It seems to be more powerful after the two are compatible, but... what should she do before then? And she doesn't know how to cultivate the source of the elf's life!

She is human, okay!

For the rest of my life, I am a human being. She really knows nothing about the creature of the elf.

"Every elf is baptized by the tree of life at birth. The source of life in the elf comes from the gift of the tree of life. Only in the place where the tree of life grows can you make your source of life stronger, until you belong Once the power of the elves is enough to compete with the power of humanity, you can blend them perfectly."

"My child, I wish you can cultivate the source of life as soon as possible." Wenya's gaze with a trace of nostalgia.

Shen Yanxiao bite the lip bite, where the tree of life grows, isn't it the home of the elf? Shenyue mainland?

Shen Yanxiao thought for a while, and she thought of another question.

"Mother, are you putting a seal on the seven-star lock on me?" Is it that the seal on her body is Wenya? Is it to seal the blood of her elf?

However, the illusion of Wen Ya has revealed a trace of doubt. It is obvious that Wenya did not know what the seven stars locked the moon when he left this phantom shadow, let alone used it.

Not gentle, who is it?

The gentle illusion is getting blurred, and she reaches over the cheeks of Shen Yanxiao.

"My child, I really want to see you grow up safely. Unfortunately, my time is running out. I hope that in the future, we will have another day to see each other again." Wenya's phantom gradually dissipated, and Shen Yanxiao's heart was shocked. The gentle words made her have a thought.

"Mother? You are still alive, where are you?" Seeing again, it means that Wenya is not dead. When did Wenya leave this illusion on her body, and where is she?

Has she and her father been killed by calcination?

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