The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1050: Source of life (3)

Unfortunately, the illusion of Wenya has completely disappeared, and no one can answer the question of Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao can only stare at the little seed, but the heart is full of doubts and puzzles.

Who made her seal? Who is coming from repairing? Wenya is not dead, then her father... is Shen Shen still alive?

Too many questions, so that Yan Yan Xiao has a headache, only one thought in her heart.

She wants to find Shen Siyu, only to send her back to the Suzaku family, I know all this!

Suddenly, Shen Yanxiao felt a strong attraction pulling himself out.

She took a breath of cold air, and it was black!

Shen Yanxiao’s brain seemed to be blasted. She suddenly opened her eyes and saw the familiar golden scorpion, staring at her for a moment.

"Repair..." Shen Yanxiao frowned and whispered, but the voice was unusually hoarse, and her nephew seemed to be burned by fire.

There was no opening, and the slender fingertips swayed against the teacup on the table. The cup that had already been filled with tea was firmly moved into his hand.

He raised Xiao Yan in one hand and fed the tea to her in one hand. There was still no expression on the face.

"Master! You finally woke up!" Suzaku, who was waiting next to him, saw Shen Yanxiao wake up and almost didn't cry.

"What happened to me?" Shen Yanxiao felt that he was uncomfortable in his body. It was like the bones of the whole body were removed and reassembled. Everything felt wrong.

"You unlocked the seventh seal on your own and fainted." Half-squinted.

"I unwrapped the seal myself?" Shen Yanxiao is somewhat unbelievable. The power of the Seven Stars Locking Moon can only be solved. Although she is now a second turn, she has not reached this point.

Minorly frowning: "Some things, we all think wrong."

"What is it?" Shen Yan Xiao Biao asked.

"The seal on your body is not so simple. The person who seals you is probably stronger than I thought. He seals not only the power of you as a human being." Xiu told his own guess to Shen Yanxiao.

"Right!" Shen Yanxiao immediately thought of everything she saw in her heart.

"I saw my mother. She left a phantom in my body. She told me that my elf blood has been awakened. She also let me go to the Shenyue mainland to cultivate the source of life, and... she seems to have not died yet. The seal is not what she got." Shen Yanxiao's brain has accumulated too much information, she does not know how to deal with it.

"I know."

"what do you know?"

"It's not the seal set by your mother. The seal on your body is not the seven-star lock, but the seal of the gods. You seem to have solved the seven-layer seal. In fact, it is only the first layer. I don't know for you. The person who puts the seal has a few layers of seals on you, but with such a strong seal to suppress you, absolutely because you are just a mixed blood." The brows of the repairs are slightly wrinkled, and the body of Shen Yanxiao is still hidden. Even the secret that he did not know, this made him a little annoyed.

Shen Yanxiao listened to the slightest glimpse, and for a long time, she was exhausted and untied to unlock the seal, and the result... was it solved?

Even, she didn't even know how many layers she was sealed?

More than just a mixed blood?

In Shen Yanxiao’s mind, there was a bad guess.

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