The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1065: Complete victory (2)

There was silence in the arena, and everyone’s eyes were locked in the shadow of the platform.

The city owner, Yan Yanxiao, from the city of the sun never falls, standing alone on the ring, this battle, the victory and defeat has been clearly defined!

The elders suddenly closed their eyes, and he never imagined that the game would end with such an ending. Although he hated Shen Yanxiao, he had to admire her mind. She had been attacking the forefoot of the Red Flame beast. Inflame the shape of the Red Flame Beast, otherwise even if Suzaku tries to make the best impact, I am afraid that I can not completely destroy the Red Flame Beast.

It’s a really deep mind, a good sinister means!

Before Shen Yanxiao, she always attacked the segment marks, so that everyone thought her target was a segment mark, and the arrow that harassed the red flame beast was just a cover.

But who can think of it, her so-called cover is the real purpose, but for the segment marks, but in order to let the red flame beast relax.

The suppression of strength and the comprehensive planning, whether it is the red flame beast or the segment marks, are played by Chen Yanxiao in the applause.

Even if the elders are not willing to accept this fact, they have to admit that Shen Yanxiao is really capable. Her mind is not comparable to ordinary people. She can think of such a foolproof strategy in such a chaotic battle. I am afraid that there will be no such people in the bright continent.

Being able to build in a short period of time does not fall, it is not idle, he is a small look at her.

The Suzaku and the Red Flame beast fell to the ground and climbed up. The two beasts were transformed into human beings. On the slapped face of the Red Flame Beast, there was a strong anger. He couldn’t think of it, a human being actually He dared to count him, and he even entered the human full set with such ignorance.

The arrogance of the beasts of the beasts made it impossible for the red flame beast to tolerate such a thing happening. The nature of the beastly beast was instantly exposed, and he immediately went to the past with Shen Yanxiao on the ring.

However, in an instant, Suzaku straddles the Yan Yan Xiao Yan Xiao, posing an attacking posture.

"If you dare to hurt her, I will not be able to die with you."

"Just by you?" Chi Yan beast sneered, "I killed you, and then slaughtered the despicable human being, and sent you both to hell."

"You can give it a try." Suzaku's body immediately ignited a blazing flame, as long as the red flame beast dared to go forward half a step, even if he had a life, he would kill him in front of Shen Yanxiao.

He will never allow anyone, anything, to threaten the safety of Shen Yanxiao.

As long as his Suzaku is still alive, no one can!

The body of the Red Flame beast also ignited a flame, and the battle for the collapse of the battle did not extinguish the wolf smoke of the battle, and the horn of the death battle was about to ring.

"Red flame beast, enough!" The streak of the wolf crawled up from the ground, he is not a beast without the sturdy physique of Suzaku and Red Flame Beast, and the impact of the squad almost killed him half a life, this will slow down, But it was also stinging, and even talking was a little hard.

The red flame beast looked coldly at the traces. "I am not able to interrupt you."

The face of the paragraph marks a blue, secretly clenched the fists.

Seeing that the Red Flame Beast will provoke a war, the hearts of everyone on the field will be raised.

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