The game is a game, but if the beast of the Lord City at dusk really wants to take the hand of the city after the game is over, then it is a violation of the Covenant of the Four Kingdoms, and the meaning is different.

This is the declaration of war, the declaration of war between nations!

The air seems to have solidified at this moment. The people who are not falling in the day stand up almost at the first time. The five animals and the Nangong Mengmeng are ready to summon the beasts to help Yan Yanxiao.

However, at this time, Shen Yanxiao, who stood on the ring, laughed softly.

She wrapped her hands around her chest, and looked at the flaming red flame beast under the ring. She said: "This is the savage beast. If you really can't afford to lose, why should you commit to signing a contract with human beings?" If you are not strong, how can you make your master lose my hand?"

The red flame beast opened his mouth to Xiaoyan, and the sharp fangs were already exposed.

"You say who is not good!"

Shen Yanxiao raised his eyebrows slightly, and there was no fear or retreat between the eyebrows.

"Whoever is defeated, I will say who."

"You think that with your little human and this crippled Suzaku, it’s really my opponent! If it weren’t for this downfall, I’ve already killed you hundreds of times! If you didn’t design a full set, let me lose my insight. Do you really think that you will win?" The pride of the beast, so that the Red Flame beast can not accept failure.

At the moment of falling down the platform, the Red Flame Beast has already understood the tricks of Shen Yanxiao.

The sound of the East hit the West, let him think that her goal is a segment of the mark, forcing him to be distracted to protect the traces of the danger, which gave her the opportunity to strike against his stability, so that the Suzaku can take advantage.

It’s so mean!

Shen Yanxiao but sneer: "Beyond not deceive, you still claim to be a fierce beast, not even a brain, how to have a brute force, no brain, you are the invincible force of the world, but also is calculated It’s not that I’m mean, you’re too stupid, you’re not as good as people, and you’re so embarrassed to call here.”

Shen Yanxiao’s words are not a bit polite, and the sentence points to the fact that the red flame beasts have developed their minds and simply attacked the past, and this is also the reason for the defeat of the Red Flame Beast.

I want to come, too, the beasts who have lived for thousands of years, actually don’t know how to use their minds, only know that using brute force is really ridiculous.

The face of the Red Flame Beast was a bit of a blue, and he was the first to encounter a human being who dared to talk to him.

However, if Shen Yanxiao’s words are actually stepping on the truth, even if the Red Flame Beast is quite unreasonable, I am afraid that it cannot be justified and can’t deny the accusation of Shen Yanxiao.

"It's that you humans are too mean." The red flame beast has some poor words and can only growl.

Shen Yan Xiao Yanran Shi Li, looking at the red flame beast with a smile.

"Thank you for praise, where is the big threat in the world, if you don't have a brain, don't you know how to die if you die?"

The red flame beast was vomiting blood, and he had never seen such a shameless human being. He was obviously humiliating and shameless, but she actually showed that she was boasting that she was good at brainstorming, thank him!

"You don't want to be too proud. This time I am a light enemy. If you encounter it again in the future, you may not have such good luck!" The anger is still the same, but the red flame beast is actually stunned by Yan Yanxiao's faceless face, if it really fights However, he is really angry and angry, I am afraid that in the world of Warcraft, there is no face to continue to mix.

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