The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1178: Moonlight Trading (6)

The two elves couldn't help but wonder if this underage elf was just looting a dragon!

Shen Yanxiao did not rob the dragon, but the wealth she had in the ring was no less than the dragon's lair.

We must know that the gems that she hoarded in the ring, but from her just reborn to the present, accumulating little by little, which time did not take the opportunity to rob a batch of gems? Every time the robbery is over, the gold coins are saved by her, but these gems, she has not found a good sales channel.

As a result, there is now a place to use!

"There are some, I am not sure how much, when I find it, I will send it to you again." Shen Yanxiao grabbed his head and knew that the gems of Shenyueland were so popular. She put it properly before coming. Everything in the ring is replaced by a jewel.

One hundred cubic meters of gems...

Well, Shen Yanxiao is just thinking about it. Even if she is rich and enemies, she wants to marry so many gems, I am afraid it will be difficult.

However, one hundred cubic meters is difficult, and one cubic meter is not difficult.

"Okay!" Two white-level elves hurriedly nodded, fearing that they would run such a local customer.

"Look at the quality of these gems first, the price is up to you." Shen Yanxiao is too lazy to calculate these small details.

The picture of Shen Yanxiao was lazy and saved, but it changed in the eyes of the two elves.

This is trust!

Definitely trust in them!

Otherwise, who will be such a large number of gems, so free to throw them to their own pricing, even countless!

The two white-level elves, who have been rejected by the same family for a long time, have a warm heart. They have not felt the trust from the same family for a long time.

Since that incident, the elves of the Moonlight tribe have become street mice...

All the elves are full of contempt and discrimination against them.

"These things are sold to you first, and they are ready to go according to your rules. I may have to leave for a few days. During this time, all the crystal coins I sold will help me to buy some." Pharmacy and bow and arrow." Shen Yanxiao intends to directly transfer the set at the Kirin auction house, directly replace the gem into money, and then exchange the money for medicine and bow.

She really doesn't have much time to prepare for this.

"Of course, I will pay you these fees." Shen Yanxiao added a sentence.

"No! No! Guests, you are so kind, you are willing to put these gems on us for sale, we are very grateful, our cost here is originally 10%, but since you are so assured, we Will give you a direct drop to 5 percent." The two elves are very grateful to Shen Yanxiao, with these gems backing, the moonlight trading line may really be able to come back to life, not to say just to buy and write for Shen Yanxiao running errands Pharmacy and bows, even if they let her personally create and formulate her no problem.

Shen Yan Xiao Yan a bit, five percent?

The elf is really pure! !

If I change to the profiteer of Qi Xia, she will not be willing to give up.

Shen Yanxiao shook his head.

"Do you dissatisfied with the guests? This is really not enough. We can only extract 4% of the fees." The two elves saw Shen Yanxiao shaking his head and thought she thought it was still too much.

Shen Yanxiao slightly frowned, looking at the eagerness and tension in the eyes of the two elves, her heart was slightly sour.

"Don't give five percent, I will give you 20 percent of the cost."

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