The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1179: Moonlight Trading Bank (7)

"What...what?" The two elves were completely dumbfounded.

They have only seen guests who have bargained, have never seen it... take the initiative to increase the price!

And one plus is several times!

"How can this be done! Guests who are willing to choose our trading bank are already very helpful to us. How can we charge so much? This is not possible, even if we agree, our leader will not accept it." The two elves hurriedly shook their heads and refused.

Shen Yanxiao is speechless, do you want to be so pure, and give them benefits, these two guys are still horrified, this is to be replaced by human merchants, decisively jumped up and cheered, how can this reaction.

Shen Yanxiao wiped his face and secretly lamented the gentleness and purity of the elves.

"I said twenty is twenty. If you disagree, I will take them to other trading houses for sale." Shen Yanxiao had to force himself to be a good one.

Two elves, look at me, I look at you, my face is full of struggles. After a while, the two elves sighed and apologized: "I am sorry, I have delayed your precious time, if next time. If you are willing to come to us, we will do our best to serve you."

"..." Shen Yanxiao thoroughly Sparta!

These two guys would rather let her sell things to other trading houses than to sell them for 20%!

Tai Nima is kind!

Shen Yan Xiao mouth twitches slightly, I really don't know if she should be grateful for the tutor's tutor, or for the two guys who don't turn around.

"But, let's take a step back. I don't force you to accept a 20% share. Don't take 5 percent. Let's follow the original rules. How about 10%?" Headache, she was so laborious to put money into people's pockets for the first time.

The two elves hesitated for a while and finally agreed with Shen Yanxiao’s proposal.

"Thank you for your guests." They didn't know the good intentions of Shen Yanxiao, but the ego's self-esteem could not make them so cheap.

Although their moonlight tribes were downgraded, they could not debase themselves.

"No, you just have to sell all these things." Shen Yanxiao thought for a moment: "What do I want, I will send you a list tomorrow, you should first clean up these gems."

"Okay." The two elves immediately squatted and carefully picked up the gems and put them in the bag.

Shen Yanxiao sighed a little, just looking at the two elves, she can know the elves of the Moonlight tribe, absolutely not as horrible as the outside world, want to come, will be demoted and repelled, it is likely with her grandfather Related to the father.

Shen Yanxiao and the two elves confessed a few words and left.

Going out of the moonlight trading line, Shen Yanxiao looked at a trading house adjacent to the Moonlight trading line, which looks almost the same size, but there is indeed a market in which it is, in contrast, the moonlight trading line is much more bleak.

Shen Yanxiao secretly made a fist. Since she came, she also met the elf of the ancestors, so in a limited time, she will definitely help.

Shen Yanxiao returned to the hotel and immediately contacted Suzaku with a spiritual link.

Suzaku was very surprised when she learned that Shen Yanxiao had entered the Emerald City. Before she even had time to ask, the things behind Shen Yanxiao had already explained the past.

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