The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1212: The passage of time (4)

"The elders of the month?" Shen Yanxiao slightly raised his eyebrows. If she remembered correctly, the elders in the mouth of Chel should be the old man they saw on the first day of the senior training camp.

An Ding said that the elders had assisted the two Elf Kings. Later, because of their age, they moved out of Moonlight City and took over all the things in the senior training camp.

In the advanced training camp, the monthly elder is the highest power representative.

"You come with me." Cher did not have a look, and his tone was very serious.

"Okay." Shen Yanxiao shrugged his shoulders, and the ones that came were always unable to escape.

The elders of the month want to see her, I am afraid that it is related to her stay in the Pillar Tower for ten days.

An Wen worried about Shen Yanxiao, Shen Yanxiao gave him a look of a little sorrow, and then walked out of the tree house with Chel.

Leaving the tree house, there are many elves who have just returned from food. They and Shen Yanxiao entered the same batch, but when they saw Shen Yanxiao, they all looked like dinosaurs. !

"That... isn't it Yan Yan? She isn't dead?" An elf widened his eyes and couldn't believe that he could see the end of Shen Yanxiao's end.

"How is it possible? Didn't she stay in the tower for ten days? How could it be nothing?" All the elves looked incredulously at Shen Yanxiao.

In their hearts, Shen Yanxiao is already dead.

There are no elves who have just entered the advanced training camp and can stay in the Spirit Tower for ten days.

I have to say ten days. They have cultivated these days in the Tower of the Spirit. So far, no one can continue to practice in the Tower of the Spirit for more than one day.

It’s been half a day, and it’s already unbearable for them.

"Is it a blind eye?" The elves subconsciously licked their eyes, which really made them too difficult to accept.

A low-level elf, who has been practicing for ten days in the Tower of the Spirit, has nothing at all, which makes them so embarrassed that they can only continue to practice the little elves in the Pillar Tower for a long time.

"This guy, is it really a low-level elf?" Many elves have begun to doubt the true identity of Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao is carrying a temporary badge, but... the temporary badge does not seem to mean that she must be a low-level elf?

Maybe... she was a black elf, but the badge was lost.

Or, she came out of the city of Moonlight...

The appearance of Shen Yanxiao caused an uproar among the elves, and all the elves began to guess the true level of Shen Yanxiao.

Now, kill them, they don't believe that Shen Yanxiao is really just a low-level elf.

Don't tease, have you seen any low-level elves who can stay in the Tower of the Spirit for ten days?

Don't say ten days, just as the source of life for the lower elves, I am afraid that I can't stand it in the tower of the Spirit for ten minutes.

Many elves watched the back of Shen Yanxiao's back, and the disgust and disdain in her eyes had already vanished, and replaced with strong doubts and puzzles.

However, Shen Yanxiao himself did not know that her previous behavior had already brought a terrible impact to the elves who were not powerful.

What she cares more now is, what will the elders ask her when she asks her, will she find out...

Her mixed identities.

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