The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1213: Moon elders (1)

Chel came to the main hall of the senior training camp with Shen Yanxiao, and they stopped in front of a delicate gate.

"The elders are in the middle, you go in." Chel stopped, and he was sullen.

Shen Yanxiao glanced at Chel, and with a chuckle, he pushed open the closed door.

In the large room, only the above-mentioned floor-to-ceiling windows facing the door, the other three walls are lined with huge bookcases, and countless books are neatly arranged, and they look like a library.

The elders sat behind the table in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. He was wearing a white robe and sat quietly, looking at the scrolls on the desk.

When the door was closed, the elders raised their heads, and the calm eyes looked at Shen Yanxiao standing in the room.

"Sit down." The elders of the month spoke, and the tone was mild.

Shen Yanxiao was slightly surprised. She came to the Shenyue mainland to contact a lot of elves. It can be said that this time has completely subverted her understanding of the elves, the kindness, the gentleness, and the elves. She can't see it anymore.

What she saw was an elf that was very similar to humanity.

In addition to her appearance, she does not think that there is any difference between an elf and a human being.

But the elf in front of her gave her a completely different feeling, even if he only spoke two words, but gave her the feeling of being different from other elves.

It is like a gentle spring breeze, over the cheeks, making people feel unusually gentle.

Shen Yanxiao sat down in the chair next to him, waiting for the elders of the month to speak.

"When Xiaoyu recommended you to me, I was very surprised." The elders looked at Shen Yanxiao, and the weather-beaten face imprinted the traces of the years, but the eyes were very harmonious.

"Why did they send a juvenile green elf to the advanced training camp? I didn't understand it at first, no matter the age or the grade, you are not suitable for the advanced training camp. The training intensity here is too high. For low-level elves, unbearable power will only deplete their source of life."

"At first, I didn't want to accept you. I am very sorry. I don't think you are suitable for it. Until the rain, their five little guys come together to beg me, I will allow you to enter."

The voice of the elders of the month is low and low, with the hoarseness of the old man, and the tone is calm and embarrassing.

This makes Shen Yanxiao think of Shen Feng, which is far from the bright mainland. When Shen Feng talks with her, it is also the tone.

Like an elder, caring for the safety of the younger generation.

"I didn't think that I would really enter the senior training camp. I just wanted to enter the junior training camp." Shen Yanxiao relaxed a little.

The elders smiled lightly.

"I think they are willing to take you to such a big risk and send you to me. There must be their reason. Ten days ago, Chel told me that you had some accidents in the tower, I let the elves try Entering the Tower of the Spirit will bring you out, but unfortunately, the violent movement of the power of life in the sacred towers makes them unable to enter. I can't exchange so many lives for you, I am sorry."

Shen Yanxiao listened to the words of the elders of the month, and the heart was quite surprised.

He is explaining to himself, why not "save her"?

Not to mention that she is a low-level elf who has entered the advanced training camp. As long as she is a monthly elder, there is no need to apologize to her low-level elf.

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