The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1268: The atmosphere is very subtle (2)

Shen Yan Xiao Petrochemical's squatting repair, not only her blushing, she completely red from the head to the toes.

After eating a small half of the fruit, Xiuyan loosened the hand of Shen Yanxiao. On the beautiful face, there was no abnormality. It was as if there was nothing wrong with everything that was done before.

Shen Yanxiao seems to be evaporating, and does not move.

"You don't eat?" Revised Yan Yan, whispered.

Shen Yan Xiao shuddered, swallowed and swallowed, watching the fruit that had been picked up by someone.


Still not eating?

This is a problem!

This is a more intimate move than using chopsticks used by someone!

Shen Yan Xiao Xiao blushes and stares at the fruit in his hand.

An unscrupulous thief, whether in the past or in this life, has never had a super friendship with any other sex. In the face of the sudden subtle atmosphere, her mind can't really turn around.

Therefore, people who are despicable and shameless will have her pure side.

Shen Yanxiao, the little villain, is now forced to do this.

"Eat..." Shen Yanxiao slowly took his hand back under the eyes of Xiu, staring at the fruit with big eyes, swallowing the swallow, and biting it carefully...

This is the legendary truth... indirect kissing!

Shen Yan Xiao Huai, with a subtle mood, slowly ate the fruit and hurriedly, her mind was no longer eating, she really did not know what to eat.

However, this is only the beginning.

When Shen Yanxiao wants to enter the third floor from the second floor of the Tower of the Spirit, he must continue to practice for seven days in the Tower of the Spirit. She can’t go anywhere for seven days. She is practicing cultivation, and this time she will It is inevitable to "close contact" with the repair.

Seven days later, Shen Yanxiao felt that his body and mind had been greatly devastated.

When the sun was shining on the earth on the eighth day, Shen Yanxiao immediately returned to the body and couldn’t wait to rush out of the tower.

Everything in these seven days is really...

It’s hard to say a word!

It seems that repairing has developed a "very bad" habit. Every time Shen Yanxiao eats something, the repair will mean two tastes, and each time, he will certainly take the small hand of Shen Yanxiao to eat together.

In this pink bubble flying atmosphere, Shen Yanxiao's brain has crashed for hundreds of times.

Finally, she left the Tower of the Spirit, and Shen Yanxiao immediately went to find Chel. After being approved by Cher, she was able to get a pass to enter the third floor of the Tower of the Spirit.

When Shen Yanxiao came out, Cher had started the archery practice of the training ground with other elves.

When the elves saw Shen Yanxiao, the expressions were very subtle.

"Zhen Xiao she... Is it another seven days on the second floor of the Tower of the Spirit?" An elf who was planning to shoot an arrow, looked at Shen Yanxiao with a dull look.

"It should be..." His companion has also entered the state of the gods.

Is this Xiao Nizi still not an elf?

In a month's time, I jumped from the first floor of the Tower of the Spirit to the second floor, and now there is a tendency to enter the third floor.

If you look at them again, it will be very difficult to continue practicing in the Pillar Tower for a day. The best result is the Anzheng, but he has only been practicing for two days on the first floor, and Shen Yanxiao’s week. Compared with the metamorphosis of the first level, it is simply weak.

"Cher." Shen Yanxiao did not care about the eyes of the elves, and went straight to Chel.

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