The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1269: Double repair is king (1)

"In." When Chel saw Shen Yanxiao, his eyes immediately became extremely loyal.

The elf on the side is even more puzzled. Is this Cher's temper?

Before I saw Ansei and Shen Yanxiao, which was not pleasing to the eye, how could I have a good attitude towards them in a few days?

I have to say that the reason why these elves had dared to be so blatantly confused by Shen Yanxiao and An Ding was due to Cher's acquiescence.

Today, Cher is standing on the side of Shen Yanxiao and An Dye. Without his acquiescence, no one dares to come.

"I continued to practice for seven days on the second floor and gave me the third-tier pass."

"Good." Cher did not hesitate to take the third-tier pass directly from his body.

This pass has been placed on Cher's body since Shen Yanxiao entered the second level of retreat in the Spirit Tower.

Of course, this is also the command of Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao took the pass and looked at it without looking at it. She looked up at the training ground and found that Anzhen was coming towards her side.

"You can enter the next layer again?" An Dian looked at Shen Yan Xiao Yan with a sincere joy.

"Well, when are you going to sit on the second floor?" Shen Yanxiao asked with a smile.

An dyed some embarrassed and caught the head.

"It will take a while. I can only continue to practice for two and a half days on the first floor. It is still a lot worse."

"Come on." Shen Yanxiao took a shot on the shoulder.

She is not in a hurry to return to the sacred tower, it is difficult to come and stroll, she has other things to do.

Of course, Shen Yan Xiao will never admit that she wants to spend more time outside because she still doesn't know how to face repair! !

The act of repairing this time was too embarrassing. On several occasions, Shen Yanxiao could feel the tip of the tongue licking her fingertips. The feeling of being overpowered, just think of it, let Shen Yan shame. wanna die.

Because Cher has been in control, Shen Yanxiao does not worry about who will pay attention to her whereabouts.

Taking advantage of the early days, Shen Yanxiao slipped out of the senior training camp.

If the guards of the senior training camp know that there is such a guy who treats them as nothing, I am afraid that they will cry directly.

Once again on the street of the Wind City, Shen Yanxiao did not go to the weapons shop.

Instead, I used a little money left on my body to get a room at a hotel.

Entering the room, Shen Yanxiao directly opened the spiritual link to contact Suzaku.


The other side of the Suzaku seems to have not thought that Shen Yanxiao will suddenly contact himself and wait for a while before returning.

"Are you sick? Actually contact me at this time?" Suzaku is hard to believe that his unscrupulous master will suddenly give birth to a conscience and contact himself during the day.

Shen Yan Xiao mouth twitching, feeling Suzaku is masochistic?

"Where are you now?" Shen Yanxiao asked.

"I am helping you in the Amber City." Suzaku is very honest.

Amber City is a white-level city with the same level as the Emerald City.

After Suzaku swept away several trading houses in the Emerald City, he started the next sweeping target.

Shen Yanxiao said: "How much money do you have?"

"What? You are short of money?" Suzaku seems to have heard something incredible, and his voice has improved by one point.

Can't! Isn't his master good at turning other people's money into his own money?

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