The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1270: Double repair is king (2)

How can there be a shortage of money?

"I need a sum of money, you help me to the city of the wind..." Shen Yanxiao is speechless, what is her image in the eyes of Suzaku, so I can't understand why I need a money for Mao?

Shen Yanxiao told the name of the hotel to Suzaku, and he sat in the room and waited for Suzaku to come over.

Suzaku is Warcraft, not in the enchantment of the elves, the elves have a very subtle attitude towards Warcraft, and will let them shuttle through the various cities.

How long did it take, Suzaku came to the city of the wind and knocked on the door of Shen Yanxiao.

When Shen Yanxiao opened the door, he saw the Suzaku standing in front of his eyes and...

The little phoenix on his head and the mini dragon on his shoulder.

Imagine a scene where Xiaozheng Tai took the two things to sway through the city.

"Well, Xiaoye, I will send you money, but I will not be happy!" Suzaku's hands on his hips, a small adult's posture.

Shen Yan Xiao Renjun couldn't help but look at Suzaku and pinch his little face.

"This time has worked hard." Let the Tangtang beast go to the errands, it is estimated that only Shen Yanxiao can do it.

"You know, after returning to the bright continent, you have to compensate me!" Suzaku's proud mouth.

Shen Yanxiao smiled and nodded.

Before Suzaku came to the Moonlight Trading Bank, he took a part of the crystal coins. The gems of Shen Yanxiao were sold in the moonlight trading line. The moonlight trading line of the former depression was also thrived by these gems.

A total of 50,000 crystal coins fell into the pocket of Shen Yanxiao, and her mouth showed a smile.

In this way, her future plans can begin.

The thought of Shen Yanxiao is actually very simple. During the period of the Spirit Tower, she noticed that even when she was eating, the source of life would automatically absorb the external power, no less than when she concentrated on cultivation.

This is not focused on me. If there is no difference for her, why don’t she have to do some other things at this time?

The source of life can not be broken, Shen Yanxiao must stay in the sacred tower with the appearance of the elf, she can not practice magic and vindictiveness these time, but there is also a skill that she can practice regardless of race!

That is the pharmacy!

Shen Yanxiao left the senior training camp this time and called Suzaku to send money, in order to prepare some things needed to prepare the medicine.

At the speed of her current cultivation, it is impossible for other elves to catch up with her.

She is the one in the whole layer of the spiritual tower, what do she want to do.

When I got the money, Shen Yanxiao took the Suzaku and they stupidly fled into the three trading houses of the Windy City.

The things she wants are very simple, the most basic utensils and tools for formulating medicines, some medicines.

Some of the prescriptions have been collected before, and they have been handed over to Yan Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao picked out some advanced pharmaceutical formulas and master formulas. She is now a senior pharmacist. She is a master pharmacist. She will not be used for a while.

The elves have a natural talent for the preparation of pharmacy. Shen Yanxiao has never had the opportunity to experiment. This time, he can try his hand.

Being able to cultivate the source of life while improving his pharmacy, and...

You don't have to practice on the knees, you don't have to face this repair every day! ! !

This careful thought of Shen Yanxiao was buried dead.

She doesn't like to face repairs, but she always feels helpless when she sees repairs.

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