The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1310: Brotherhood tribe (2)

"Yan Xiao, if your parents are really moonlight tribes, then from the blood point of view, you are really our granddaughter." The elders looked at Shen Yanxiao, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

The Moonlight tribe and the moonlight tribe were split by the same tribe, and the same blood was flowed on the elves of the two tribes.

It’s just that over time, the elves have gradually forgotten the facts of a pair of brothers.

The moonlight tribe became the hero of the elves who yearned for worship, and the moonlight tribe became a traitor in the elf's mouth, and was left by the city of the wind.

Hero, traitor.

Who can associate these two words together?

The moonlight tribe did not exist. It was only because the first-generation leader was disheartened and formed. Until later, with his own elf group, he could not leave his own family in the face of the returning brother. He could only choose to continue. Guard the moonlight tribe.

His brother, however, provoked the almost extinct Moonlight tribe and regained the responsibility of continuing the name of the tribe.

Time has passed, and the years have taken away the memories of the elves. Only the elves in these two tribes know that they are brothers and always brothers.

When the Moonlight tribe was desecrated, the elders of the month and a few of them had also jointly requested the elf king to be extraordinarily enthroned.

If the elves of the non-moon-colored tribes come out, they pray for the elf king to forgive, and I am afraid that the moonlight tribe will not stay in the white-level city.

This point, no elf knows, even the moonlight tribe's elves did not know.

The moonlight tribe's elves do not resent their brothers. They draw a line with the moonlight tribes and don't want to be tired of the hero tribe's reputation.

The blood is connected, and nothing can divide the brotherhood between the two tribes.

"This is really clever." Cool autumn sentimental look at Shen Yanxiao, this little guy, the same blood with them, really their little granddaughter.

Shen Yanxiao’s heart is quite shocking. Isn’t she an indirect confession?

"Little guy, go, look at the elves of your parents and tribes, we won't stop you." The elders patted Shen Yanxiao's shoulders and his eyes were gratified.

In the name of the moonlight tribe, her name is not good, and she does not know the relationship between the moonlight tribe and the moonlight tribe, she still confesses her identity. This discouragement is really rare.

Shen Yan Xiao nodded, and his mouth raised a smile.

It turns out that the elf in the moonlight tribe is also her relative.

The elders looked at Shen Yanxiao, but they thought about another problem.

If Shen Yan Xiaozheng is the elf of the Moonlight tribe, why did her parents abandon her?

Moonlight Elf, it shouldn't be like this.

Regarding the life experience of Shen Yanxiao, the elders of the month did not conceal the elves of other moon-colored tribes.

Unsurprisingly, Wu En, after learning that Shen Yanxiao and their blood relationship, became more interested in this little girl.

When I was eating at night, these few did not pile up the delicious fruit in front of Shen Yanxiao.

Ok, the food of the elves, sure enough...

Still fruit!

Shen Yanxiao said frankly that he had to learn enchantment with Liang Qiu, and said that he would go to the Emerald City to go to the Moonlight tribe after five days.

Although I am a bit reluctant, they will not open their mouths to discourage Shen Yanxiao. They know that Shen Yanxiao will return.

Although she will enter Moonlight City in the near future, she is still the elf of their family!

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