The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1311: Enchanter (5)

Shen Yanxiao studied the enchantment only five days. In these five days, Liang Qiu took all the time to teach Shen Yanxiao.

The elders of the month also have a tacit understanding and did not bother to study Shen Yanxiao.

Before Shen Yanxiao, there was a certain misunderstanding about the existence of the enchantment. The enchantment she had learned before was that in terms of human identity, writing inscriptions would consume a lot of magic.

But she is now an elf, and the situation is completely different.

Humans write inscriptions by magic, while elves rely on the source of life.

The source of life is much larger than the capacity of magic, and it is much smaller in consumption.

The enchantment was invented by the elf. Although humans can learn to use it, it is far from being able to handle it.

The first thing that cool autumn education Shen Yanxiao is how to instill the power of life into the inscription.

This is an idea that manipulates the source of life, perfuse it on the quill, and writes down the magic potion.

The weight of the pen is related to the precision of the magical text, and this degree is not based on the strength of the hand, relying on the input of the source of life.

Turning a huge source of life into a thin force, slowly soaking on the quill, lightly divided with words, heavy one-point ink stain.

This is really a test of patience and patience.

Anyway, the first day of Shen Yanxiao, spent a whole day, and failed to write any complete magic text.

Instead, a lot of magic potions were abolished.

Looking at the magic potion that is hard to find in the bright continent, I was so squandered by myself, and Shen Yanxiao’s heart was bleeding.

Cool autumn looks at Shen Yanxiao's crying tears, it is very doubtful.

"What's wrong? But tired? Do you want to rest for a while?" Shen Yanxiao's diligent appearance makes Liangqiu look distressed. In addition to eating time, she sat at the desk, writing over and over again, wrists. It is not stiff and not relaxed.

Shen Yan Xiao Yan with a lip film, looking at the cool autumn, bitterly said: "Gold autumn grandfather, I wasted a lot of magic potions."

Listening to the cool autumn, I laughed directly.

"What is it like, isn't it a magic potion? Waste is wasted, this is not a good thing, don't say you, even if I have failed writing, waste is inevitable." Look at her He looked pitiful, and he thought that something had happened.

The emotional little guy is in distressed magic potion!

It’s really a child’s heart.

"This potion is very expensive." Shen Yanxiao looked at the scrolls that had been written by her on the side of the stack. I really wanted to buckle the ink on it.

Liang Qiu smiled and said: "Not expensive."

"Really? You don't lie to me..." Shen Yanxiao didn't believe that the magic potion that could not be seen in the bright continent would be the price of cabbage.

Liang Qiudao: "Cheat what you do? This medicine does not need money. The fruit on the magical golden tree planted in our backyard can't be picked up."

"Ah?" Shen Yanxiao was a bit dumbfounded.

Cool autumn look, Shen Yan Xiao, a pair of curious baby, then he said with patience: "This magic potion is made from the fruit of the magic golden tree, and then blended with the sap of the magic golden tree, where to Spend money? You can rest assured that the Golden Tree is not a rare plant. You can find a large piece of wood in a casual forest. It costs a lot of money, and it takes a while to waste time. Otherwise, the enchanter is not going to be poor. ?"


Twelve more!

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