The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1324: Compensation (3)

"Nothing, nothing!" The moonlight tribe's elf hurriedly shook his head. Although the gems of Yan Yanxiao brought some minor troubles to them, the trouble has now been lifted, and there is no loss to them, but the gems of Shen Yanxiao give them The trading bank has brought great results, and they really want to thank Shen Yan Xiao.

Broke the source: "This is something that I am not dealing with. I apologize to both of you here."

Things have been handled almost, and the source has also opened the cage to release the elves of the Moonlight tribe.

The elf who was sent to the Yan Yan Xiao jewel and crystal coins was just over.

Broke the source is still thinking about getting rid of things early, but everything that follows is like a blue sky, and he is not attached to the body.

"The city owner! Not good... The gems and crystal coins that were seized from the moonlight trading line... are gone." The elf who came back to the reward almost didn't cry.

"What...what..." The source was like a thunder, and it almost didn't fall.

"Is it clear? Will it be in a corner where you didn't notice it!"

The amount of gems and crystal coins collected from the moonlight trading bank is quite large. If it is lost in the warehouse of the city's main government... then this thing can't be clarified.

The elf cried and said: "I have checked it, I really haven't."

The face of the broken source instantly became pale.

This has just returned the innocence of the Moonlight tribe, and they can't find the finances they have collected. This is simply too much abuse.

The elves of the Moonlight tribe also stunned. They did not think that the source would be swallowed up.

However, the warehouse of the city's main government, the guard is also quite strict, how can it be so bad?

Only a certain unscrupulous thief, his expression is as calm as water, and there is no panic of money lost.

But the reason for a thief to calm down is...

"Break the source! You have to explain this to me! Say goodbye to our gems and crystal coins? I think you just want to swallow it! What is the unknown of the Moonlight tribe by the unknown gems? It’s just that you look at the gems and money yourself!” Suzaku instantly frowned!

He insisted that the gems and crystal coins must have been cut off from corruption.

Looking at the source, I want to cry and look at Suzaku without tears. He really didn't have this idea.

However, things are gone now, and he will be very guilty when he says it again. After all, this thing has always been in the warehouse of the city government.

"Okay! You said to me, if you don't hand over the crystal coins and gems today, I must have burned your city's capital!" Suzaku screamed at the source of anger, and there was a fire that would immediately burn the city. The posture.

The source of the break was really panic. He didn’t know what was going on at the end. When he went to the Treasury the day before yesterday, he clearly saw the box of gems and crystal coins. How could it be a short day?

The source will never know. Just half a day ago, these things are still well placed in the warehouse of the city government. Only a unscrupulous thief will go to the city government before going to the city government to collect debts. The warehouse, "shun" hand out all of their own things.

"Don't! You can rest assured that even if things are really lost, I will compensate you! How many gems, how many crystal coins, I will return them to you as they are."

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