The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1325: Compensation (4)

“Really?” Suzaku raised an eyebrow.

"Really!" The source was decisive and nodded.

"Well, I will say it first. Gems, I want gems. How much is the crystal coins? Don't think about the crystal coins. I have many gems that are collected from the bright continent. You take less." The second product to fill the number." Suzaku said.

Suzaku’s request made the source a headache, and the gem was a luxury item in the God of the Moon. The gems he collected from the Moonlight tribe at the time said that there was a full box, not to mention the purchase of the same number of gems. This price is estimated rather than a small town owner who can eat it.

The elves' lords are not as rich as the human lords, they just have one more income than the ordinary elves, and the others are similar.

Without corruption, there is no wealth.

The part of the crystal coin can also be patched up, but this gem...


Suzaku wants a gem of the bright continent!

The gem of the bright continent can be more expensive than the origin of the **** month!

Besides, the trade in gems with humans is now blocked. Where can he go to get so many bright gems?

The source is very much in the hope of discussing with Suzaku, but Suzaku’s posture, even if he gave the source ten courage, he would not dare to speak!

And there is nothing to struggle with the source of the break. This thing is really because he is not safe to lose, and he can’t let the family eat this dumb loss.


Where do you get so many gems?

Just when the source was entangled, Shen Yanxiao was just like Shen Jing, just laughing, he said: "You are Shen Jing?"

Shen Jing was a little stunned. He was listening to the righteousness of the gossip. How did he get him?

Looking at the cute little elf in front of me, Shen Jing smiled and smiled at the attitude of appreciating all the beautiful things: "Yeah, have you heard me from the children?"

Shen Yanxiao nodded, a naive look: "I heard that they said that you came to the God of the Moon to do the gem business, but because you did a bad thing, it was shut down."

Shen Jing’s expression has a slight twist...


Such a lovely child should say something so hurtful!

He just had some intimate moves with a beautiful Elf Miss, and it turned out to be a bad thing!

Which idiot is rumored, he must definitely kill him when he goes out!

The speaker has no intention to listen to the intention, and Shen Yanxiao seems to inadvertently ask questions, falling into the side of the source, but it has a series of influences.

Isn't there a bunch of gems waiting for him?

Broke the source and blinked, watching Shen Jing.

Shen Jing had sold a lot of gems to the Emerald City, but he was shut down after a few days. The gems brought by Shen Jing are still in the warehouse of the city government.

That's all the gems produced on the bright continent!

The eyes of the broken source made Shen Jing feel shocked.

How did he feel that his "future father-in-law" eyes were so horrified...

Breaking the source and taking a deep breath, facing Suzaku and Shen Yan Xiaodao: "I will handle this matter well. You should take a break with the elves of the Moonlight tribe first. After that, I will handle things perfectly and meet your expectations."

Shen Yanxiao smiled and hinted that Suzaku had a good time to accept it. Then he went to the city government to eat, drink, sit and wait for news with the elves of the Moonlight tribe.

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