"Anyan leader is really dare to be a dare." Shuiyu looked at Anya, there is no trace of respect, and some only ridicule.

"Isn't it because this little girl is a moonlight tribe, so you want to hope that the tribe's elves will please the seniors of the moonlight tribe?"

If you are in the water, it’s hard to hear.

An Yan’s face did not change at all, as if any sarcasm was not enough to smash her long-standing cultivation and self-sustaining.

The elves of the Moonlight tribe are angry, and the otters repeatedly ridicule and ridicule the Moonlight tribe. They don’t have such good cultivation as Anyan. They are all red-eyed and can’t wait to take the water out of the mouth immediately. The **** is unloading eight pieces.

"Water scorpion, your point of mouth is still convinced earlier, don't come out and shame. I have promised your challenge, there is no reason to let other elves replace, Anya leader is just afraid that you lose to me, this is not adult. The elf face is not good-looking, only to find a step for you, you are really on the nose." Shen Yan Xiao eyes staring at the water, the eyes flashed a touch of killing.

Dare to insult her grandmother in front of her?

court death!

The otter bite his teeth and knows that he is saying that he is too sorrowful. He simply said: "Okay, you still have some courage."

"Time, place is up to you." Shen Yanxiao is too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

"Just today! The location is simpler. I will let the Emerald City City break the source and lend me the day of the Emerald City. If you have the guts, just go with me. If you are not courageous, you can run away at any time." Cold channel.

When you hear the arrangement of the leeches, the elves of the Moonlight tribe know that the otters are uneasy.

In every city, there will be a platform for discussion, which is provided to elves who want to use contradictions to resolve certain contradictions.

Every downfall will attract the crowds of many elves in the city.

The otter arranged the venue for the competition, but wanted to let more elves see his unilateral assault on Yan Yanxiao's picture to satisfy his revenge!

"Good." Shen Yanxiao agreed without hesitation.

The otter turned and left with satisfaction. He didn't worry that Shen Yanxiao would escape. Just now, Yan Yanxiao repeatedly guarded the Moonlight tribe. If Shen Yanxiao dared to run, he would not let the Moonlight tribe, and again, Shen Yanxiao. Sooner or later, I will enter the Silvermoon Guard. At that time, he also has a way to deal with her.

Shen Yanxiao followed suit, and Shen Jing, who had been watching the movie, immediately ran to the side of Shen Yanxiao, using the voice that only two of them could hear: "Little girl, are you sure?"

The otter is also damaging in this way. If you provoke Shen Yanxiao, you have to face her ancestors in front of her. Isn’t this a bad thing?

However, Shen Jing is not very familiar with the current strength of Shen Yanxiao, so I still want to make sure that after Shen Yanxiao can't get into Moonlight City, then the follow-up to find Wenya and Shenyu can only rely on snow.

"I don't know." Shen Yanxiao is very honest.

"..." Shen Jing almost didn't suffocate.

This little Nizi is too fat, too!

Without a full grasp, actually dare to fight!

"In any case, I haven't lost the abnormal test yet. Uncle San, you can rest assured, I will definitely go to Moonlight City to find my parents." Shen Yanxiao knows what Shen Jing is worried about, but she does not care.

From her rebirth to the present, she has experienced countless battles, but she has not lost!

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