Once upon a time, Shen Yanxiao did not lose.

Now, Shen Yanxiao will not lose!

Even if it is unknown, Shen Yanxiao will never allow himself to lose!

Losing once, she will pay an unbearable price.

So in Shen Yanxiao’s heart, she will never let herself fail!

"You yourself, look at it." Shen Jing sighed, and did not know who Shen Yanxiao's temper is like. Shen Yu is a gentle and intelligent son, Wen Ya is a rare gentle lady.

In addition to his appearance, Shen Yanxiao did not inherit the Shen Zi and Wen Ya's temper.

That kind of decisiveness, the kind of fierceness, is that Shen Jing has never seen it in his brother and younger brother.

Where does Shen Jing know that Shen Yanxiao standing in front of his eyes, in addition to this empty skin is still original, the soul inside has already changed the Lord.

If you really change the previous "Shen Yan Xiao", it is estimated that even if the mind is restored, I am afraid that it inherits the pure nature of the parents, let alone whether it can be mixed with the sun, just the disaster that was previously calcined. I was afraid that I would have to follow her aunt's footsteps.

Although Shen Yanxiao’s soul has been traversed from modern times, she has already seen herself as a member of the Suzaku family, whether it is Shen Feng, Shen Ling, Shen Jing or Shen Yu, Wen Ya, An Yan, for her. They are the loved ones she cherishes very much. She will protect them at all costs and will not let anyone move them.

This is an orphan who is attached to the rare family.

This time the contest, the Moonlight tribe only had two dyes and An Feng, and the other elves were left in the tribe by An Yan.

When I came to the city's main government, the source was quite surprised, how could the otter come.

It was not until the otter said the reason that the source had seen the subsequent Yan Yanxiao, and then I understood what was going on.

"You can use it in the downfall, but... the water, you have to spare people and spare people." Broken source has a good impression of Shen Yanxiao, he really does not want to see Shen Yan Xiao defeated the hand of the otter, ran Moonlight Coast.

The otter just smiled and didn't talk, and the eyes were already determined to break with Shen Yanxiao.

Suzaku is still in the Moonlight tribe, and Shen Yanxiao did not let him follow.

The collapse of the Emerald City is large enough to make Shen Yan and the otter show up on it.

I heard that there was a fight in the ring, and many of the elves of the Emerald City came to watch.

But when they saw the two figures standing on the platform, they actually stunned.

"These two are the Silvermoon Guards? Why do you want to compare?" The onlookers looked at the badges of the Yinyue Guards that Shen Yanxiao and the otter were hanging on the chest. It is difficult to understand why these two The elf is going to run here and start playing.

Doesn't it mean that the Silvermoon Guards have always been very harmonious?

"That little girl is really the Silvermoon Guard?" Some elves looked at Shen Yanxiao strangely. If the comparison between the members of the two Silvermoon Guards is not enough shock, then Shen Yanxiao is such a little guy. It’s really hard to believe that they have worn the badge of the Silvermoon Guard.

Everyone knows that the Silvermoon Guard is the sharp knife team of the Shenyue mainland. Just pull one out from the inside, not to mention one pick, and one pick five is no problem.

How hard it is to get into the Silvermoon Guard, you can imagine it with your toes.

However, the little guy who is still underage has successfully won the badge of the Silvermoon Guard, which makes it difficult for them to accept.

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