The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1381: This hatred is not a woman (5)

Before and after Shen Yanxiao, she was filled with no more than 50 bottles of Guru-level pharmacy. She felt that she was very supportive... very supportive...

An Yan also sent a lot of master-level pharmacy to An Ding, and Shen Yanxiao really couldn’t drink it.

Under the moisturization of so many master-level pharmacy, Shen Yanxiao took the two arms perfectly back in the morning of the next day, and the scars on his body have all healed, leaving only traces of faintness. Even these traces will disappear without a trace.

The speed of Shen Yanxiao’s recovery is amazing. Even Wu En feels very surprised.

They didn't know that the night before, after Shen Yanxiao fell asleep, a big **** appeared quietly, and the power that he had stored for a long time was sent to Shen Yanxiao.

The power of God is not comparable to any race.

On the second day of the morning, Shen Yanxiao appeared in the hall of the Moonlight tribe, laughing and greeting the elves of the Moonlight tribe.

The eyes of the elves watching Shen Yanxiao were full of horror.

Shen Yanxiao, how fierce yesterday, they are clear, even if they drink a lot of medicine, is this healing speed too abnormal?

An Yan stood in front of Shen Yan Xiaomen for a long time yesterday. Shen Yanxiao knew it. She planned to talk to her grandmother today, but she found a circle and did not find An Yan.

"Uncle An Feng, where is the head of Anyan?" Shen Yanxiao had to ask An Feng.

An Feng’s face was very unsightly. He looked at Shen Yanxiao and his eyes were full of hesitation.

Shen Yanxiao’s heart raised an ominous premonition.

"Yan Xiao, An Yan, she gave me the leader of the Moonlight tribe." An Feng struggled for a long time, and finally said everything to Shen Yanxiao.

It turned out that after they returned from Wu En yesterday, An Yan had secretly held a meeting of the high-level officials of the Moonlight tribe, and in the meeting, the position of the leader of the Moonlight tribe was given to An Feng.

And herself, in the early morning, set off for the city of the wind!

"What should she do with An Yan?" Shen Yanxiao gave a slight glimpse, and the anxiety in his heart became more and more obvious.

An Feng said sadly: "An Yan feels that she is sorry for you, so she wants to go to Qingyuan tribe to solve this matter."

"What!" Shen Yanxiao directly stunned.

An Yan instead of her to go to the Qingyuan tribe?

This is all right!

Not to mention that the Qingyuan tribe had not been pleasing to the eye with the Moonlight tribe. It was only when the rain and shadow were half-dead and was carried back. It was impossible to reconcile the things between Shen Yanxiao and the Qingyuan tribe.

Shen Yanxiao’s heart immediately realized a key!

An Yan replaced her to the Qingyuan tribe. The only way to solve this problem is...


Therefore, she will arrange everything for the Moonlight tribe before she goes.

Shen Yan Xiao blinked his eyes and immediately turned and walked toward his room. Suzaku said to the pharmacy bottle in the room:

"Suzaku, let's go to the city of the wind!"

"Good!" Suzaku said that he immediately got up.

"Little Xiaoer, you don't want to come hard this time." I don't know when it appeared in front of Shen Yanxiao's room. Behind him, Qing Xuan, Jing You, Liang Qiu, and rumors are all harmonious. The smile looks at Shen Yanxiao.

"We will go back to the city with you." Wu Endao.

Shen Yanxiao glimpsed a little, and the clear bottom of the hustle and bustle flashed a terrible light.

"it is good."


Eight ends

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