The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1382: More than anyone else (1)

An Yan stood in front of the gate of the Qingyuan tribe and looked at the rain curtain standing opposite her with several elf guards.

Looking up at the sky, Anyan has not been in the city for a long time. Since the Moonlight tribe was downgraded, she has never returned.

In addition to Anshang, all the moonlight tribes are far from this homeland.

The Moonlight tribe was downgraded and the entire tribe was moved to the Emerald City, but the Moonlight tribe elves themselves are still black elves, and they have the right to enter the black-level city.

However, apart from the dyeing, no one has ever come.

The elves of the Moonlight tribe never betray their own tribes.

An Yan was born in the city of the wind, and grew up in the city of the wind, where she was selected as the leader of the guardian tribe from the ordinary elves of a tribe.

Today, An Yan knows that she will also be buried here.

"Rain curtain, the matter between your Qingyuan tribe and Yanxiao is solved by me. The rain shadow is seriously injured. I know that you will not be willing to give up, so I will accept your revenge instead of Yan Xiao. I hope that the Qingyuan tribe can stop again after today. Take this thing for things." An Yan took a deep breath, even if she took off the robes of the leader, her momentum did not disappear.

She is the leader of the Moonlight tribe, the queen of the Moonlight tribe, even if she took off the crown, the king's spirit went deep into the bone marrow, no one can look down on her half.

The rain curtain is the leader of the Qingyuan tribe. The Qingyuan tribe and the moonlight tribe have been fighting for a long time. It can be said that Anyan is his old rival. He did not think that Anyan would go to the meeting alone.

There is something strange, but anger has prevailed. The rain curtain is even unwilling to let Anyan step into the Qingyuan tribe. Only let her stand in front of the gate and accept the eyes of the elves.

"An Yan, you really surprised me. You have not always used the Moonlight tribe as the first priority? Why do you sacrifice yourself for a tribe of other tribes?" The rain screen looked up and down with him for so many years. The former queen, now standing alone in front of the gates of their tribes, the slender body looks so thin.

An Yan’s face calmly said: “Yan Xiao has grace for the moonlight tribe, and the moonlight tribe will not be ungrateful. Moreover, the grievances of Yanxiao and Qingyuan tribes are also due to the elves of the Moonlight tribe. I don’t have to let her come. Take the charge."

The rain curtain smiled. He looked at An Yan as if he was watching a joke.

"What did I hear? The Queen of Iceberg will actually say such feelings? How do I remember when my husband was killed, you are not willing to help? And your mixed-blooded daughter Wenya, her day When you were detained in Moonlight City, why didn't you see you with a little anxiety? You Yan, you are so ridiculous. Even the two closest people are not willing to save, now I am so kind to say such a rationale, use you Replace the elves of other tribes. Are you crazy?

Anyan is almost cold and cold. Her eyes are only moonlight tribes. There is never other. The rain screen is hard to believe that such a hard-hearted woman will die for someone else.

There was no change in An Yan’s face, as if the taunts of the rain curtain were not coming to her.

The rain curtain stared at An Yan's ugly face and said slowly: "An Yan, my daughter is so hurt, even if you want to replace the elf, it is not that easy."

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