The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1401: Battle of the Beast (4)

Shen Yan Xiao’s heart sinks, she has already heard the sin in the Suzaku tone.

The heart already knows the strength of the other party. Shen Yanxiao can only pray that he has not broken the cage of the elf.

Soon, Shen Yanxiao, they rushed to the dungeon in the depths of the palace.

It was an extremely huge cage that went deep into the ground for hundreds of meters.

One of the iron bars that are thicker than the adult men's waist is covered with the luster of the enchanted inscriptions. The tens of thousands of enchanted iron bars have become the most powerful cages, dozens of white-haired, elderly in white robes. The elf, holding a special inscription pen, kept a dense inscription on the ground around the cage.


A giant python came again from the cage, and the crystal lamp hanging from the top of the cage was crumbling under a powerful shock wave.

The fire swayed and illuminated the behemoth in the cage!

The huge body is like a mountain, the dark scales are all over the body of the behemoth, and the red-red eyes are full of greed.


In the dungeons that are hundreds of meters high, the cockroaches can only climb four on the ground. It is conceivable that if it stands up, how great it will be!

In the huge beast, six pairs of fangs seem to shred everything in an instant.

A chain of inscriptions with inscriptions straddles the body, and the number is countless.

Shen Yanxiao was shocked and looked at the sacred beast in front of him. Even if he was shackled, the impact it brought was absolutely unique.

"This is what you are..." Shen Yanxiao was amazed. In the face of such a giant, she finally understood where the words from Suzaku came from.

Twilight is there, and it is already a few laps larger than the largest Xuanwu.

"Xiao Xiao, do you know it?" An Qing swallowed and swallowed, watching the fierce embarrassment, and could not help but tremble.

How great is this!

How many enchanted inscriptions have suppressed it? To be replaced by other World of Warcraft, I am afraid that under so many enchantments, I have already been weak and weak, and I can still send such a terrible beast.

"I heard that." Shen Yanxiao nodded.

The dozens of enchanted masters did not dare to stop writing inscriptions for a moment, and the sweat of the beans dripped from their foreheads, and they could not wipe them.

The elves of the hundreds of Silvermoon Guards were treated with rigor, and they took up the bows and arrows, and put the arrows on them, aiming at the bows in the cage.

Every elf has brought his heart to the eyes of the blind man.

They all know that once the power of enchantment can't suppress cockroaches, they will instantly become the food of this greedy behemoth in the air.

There is no room for a struggle.

There was only a roaring roar in the entire dungeon, and all the elves closed their mouths and were treated with sternness.

It is life, it is death, it depends on the inscription of the enchanter!

The ever-increasing magical power will shorten the chain of the body by one inch, like the top of the mountain, falling down, and the golden lightning of lightning is surrounded by the whole body.

The sound of the explosion was deafening, and the thunder hit a tougher mark on the tough scales.

For nearly an hour, the shackles of the cockroaches gradually subsided. It no longer angered, no longer tried to break free from the bondage, but quietly squatted on the ground, staring at the pair of red-red eyes and looking at the elves standing in front of it. We.

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