The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1402: Battle of the Beast (5)

The cockroaches finally quieted down, and the elves were relieved.

But no one dared to let go of the bow and arrow in their hands. They looked into the station and were afraid that the behemoth would run away again.

A moment later, a male elf wearing a golden light armor walked in from the entrance to the dungeon.

After him, he followed the silver moon five times.


When the elves saw the golden armor, their eyes were raised with absolute respect and fiery worship.

Burning, the captain of the Silvermoon Guard, no elf knows how big he is. The elf only knows that he has been the captain of the Silvermoon Guard from three or four hundred years ago, but three or four hundred years have passed. The appearance of the Burning Chu has not changed in any way.

Burning Chu is under the direct jurisdiction of the Elf King. He only obeys the Elf King. On weekdays, he is guarded by the Elf King. He rarely appears in other places in Moonlight City unless there are major events or new silver moon guards. The team's elf appeared and he will show up.

No one knows how much his strength is.

There are elves who say that the power of burning is already the peak of the silver elves, and some elves say that the burning of the whole **** is the only gold-level elf except the elf king.

But what the truth is, no one knows.

Because in addition to the one that broke into the Moonlight City more than a hundred years ago, the Burning has never been out.

The appearance of the burning of the burning, like to give all the elves have a reassurance, the heart hanging in the eyes of the blind finally put down.

"The captain, he has already settled down." The elf who was responsible for writing the enchantment had time to wipe the sweat and walked to the side of the burning.

The burning face nodded with no expression.

In all fairness, the appearance of the Burning Chu is top-notch among the elves. Shen Yanxiao can only think of Lansie's comparison with Burning Chu.

As for the five rains of the ink, it seems that each one is beautiful, but when he stops at the burning side, he immediately loses all the light and becomes a hairy guy.

"The recent turmoil is very frequent. You have to step up the enchantment. I will send an elf and stay here all day." Burning Chu slightly frowned, and the violent walks over the past few years have been more than a hundred years ago. There are very few cases of violent escaping, and because of this burning, there is no special squad of the Silvermoon Guard to guard the inside of the dungeon.

But now it seems that there is still this necessary.

The selection of the Silvermoon Guard is becoming more and more demanding. It has been no new members for several months, and the original members have been assigned to it. It is impossible to draw staff.

Burning Chu thought about it, to the ink rain behind him: "What about the two players who just arrived today?"

Ink rain road: "They have arranged for them to stay."

Burning nodded, and his sharp eyes swept through the elves. He raised his hand and stood up and stood in the elves.

"You two are coming."

Shen Yanxiao gave a slight glimpse. She and An Sing were not really eye-catching in so many elves. I didn’t expect the burning eyes to be so good. They could find them out after sweeping away.

Shen Yanxiao and An Dian can only go to the burning of Chu.

Burning Chu looked at the big ones and two elves in front of them, and openedly said: "From today, you two take turns watching the dungeons in the dungeons, and any changes will immediately let the outside guards inform me."


Eight ends

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