The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1419: The plan of Shen Yanxiao (1)

Shen Yanxiao hopes to sneak into the life tree as soon as possible, perhaps to be able to reach Wenya.

However, from the mouth of the broken snow, she learned that there are heavy guards around the tree of life, and the captain of the Silver Moon Guard is burning, that is, staying by the tree of life all day, if you want to sneak in, Shen Yanxiao, such as Clearly arrange everything on the edge of the tree of life, this can only be helped by the snow.

After the snow and Shen Yanxiao exchanged news, they left.

Shen Yanxiao returned to the dungeon and continued to guard.

Although there are many questions in her mind, she is not too anxious.

Some things must be patient.

There is nothing to do with the care of the guards. Shen Yanxiao cultivates his own source of life and moves the enchantment exercises to the dungeon.

During the day, Shen Yanxiao was sitting in the dungeon to practice enchantment. While eating food, he watched Shen Yanxiao’s whispering, and from time to time looked at the paper of Shen Yan’s sullen land.

As a cockroach for food, he subconsciously stretched out his claws and took a piece of paper with magical runes that floated around him and took it away.


Shen Yanxiao, who was buried in the enchantment, suddenly heard the suffocation.

She immediately raised her head and saw that her little face was wrinkled.

"This idiot has eaten the magic words you wrote." Suzaku stood by his hands and looked at the stupid sorrow.

“Hey?” Shen Yanxiao looked at the tangled little face and asked with concern.

The five facial features stretched out, and the big eyes with a trace of water vapor were huge.

"This is delicious!" 饕餮 excitedly pointed to the paper path under Shen Yanxiao's hand.

"What?" Shen Yanxiao was speechless, and the goods were too hungry to eat.

"In the mouth, jump and hop, eat well, are you still writing? Do you want to... Can you give me something to eat?"

"This... This is a magical text, just like the enchantments that bind you. Is it okay to eat it?" Shen Yanxiao looked at him uncertainly.


"The magic text is not combined into an enchantment, no harm, I can eat."

"Idiot." Suzaku snorted.

Shen Yanxiao did not feel anything. He got up and put a piece of magical text he had written before him.

These are the works she practiced. It is of no use. She used to think about where she was going to lose. Now she has become a “shredder” and even her waste paper has gone.

Looking at the face of eating a satisfied, Shen Yanxiao's heart raised a thought.


'Ok? ’

"You said that I can take the cockroach out of here?" Shen Yan Xiao blinked her eyes. She still has a few months in the Shenyue mainland. After she left, she believed that no elf would continue to feed. The greedy little two goods, is it not to fall to the point of being hungry?

‘If you can unlock the enchantment on the chain here, maybe. 'Repair is not surprised by the thoughts of Shen Yanxiao. After so long, he has found this little girl, and seems to have little resistance to small creatures.

Shen Yanxiao thought thoughtfully, she is now learning enchantment, want to unlock the enchantment in the dungeon, she needs a period of growth, it is not impossible.

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