The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1420: The plan of Shen Yanxiao (2)

'If you really want to take him away, then you have to find him a master, and you are born with a sloppy, if you bring him back to the bright continent now, with his temperament, it will take a long time to become the target of human attacks. You don't care about human reactions, and sooner or later you will become a disaster. ‘Repair reminds Shen Yanxiao that the destructive ability of this little Zhengtai is not so cute.

"Hey, I have already thought about this." Shen Yanxiao’s eyes flashed a treacherous smile.

"Isn't the Warcraft of Xiaofeng not always there? I see that it is right."

She was originally going to find a beast-level Warcraft for the blue-brown glass. Now it is better to get a holy beast back.

"I just don't know how to fool and confess the Lord." Shen Yanxiao touched the chin, the IQ of the snack goods did not look high, and the blue-brown glass was not a master who would abuse World of Warcraft. She thought they were very suitable.

‘As far as I know, none of the nine sons of Dragon God signed a contract with humanity. ‘The repair had to strike the illusion of Shen Yanxiao.

He and his eight brothers can be said to be the most dangerous group of people of Warcraft. The strength is arrogant, and each temperament is eccentric, and it is impossible to cooperate with human beings. Most of them can even be said to be a great scourge. Nothing less trouble for humans.

Only for nearly a hundred years, the dragons are very honest, and they have not come out to mess.

"I am going to talk to you!" Shen Yanxiao decided to flicker and try.

Every hour, when he was eating, he blinked and looked at Shen Yanxiao who suddenly went to himself. He was very clever enough to smack the messy food piled up in front of him with small claws and empty the place in front of him. A clean impression.

Shen Yanxiao looked at the intimate little move, and his mouth showed a smile.

"Hey, I have something to tell you." Shen Yan Xiao Yu was in front of him, his face was right.

"What?" asked sharply, swallowing the contents of his mouth.

"I will leave in a few more months. After I leave, I can't give you something to eat." Shen Yan Xiaolu reveals helplessness.

I am stupid...

His feeding is gone?

Going to go...


"Wow! Don't go! I am very embarrassed, why do you want me to do what I do, I don't mess with you, I don't mess up anymore, don't mess with you, don't leave... oh... ... I can't be messed up anymore, don't go well..." He pulled the sorrowful face of Shen Yanxiao's clothes, and the white face was covered with tears. The big eyes were full of fear.

"I... I will eat less in the future. I know that your elves will give money for things. I will eat less. I will save some food... Don't leave me alone, you are gone... no one will feed anymore. I have eaten... I will be starved to death..." As soon as I thought I was hungry for more than a hundred years, the unprecedented fear would soon be overwhelmed.

It is not afraid of darkness, not afraid of loneliness, and is afraid of being hungry.

When Shen Yanxiao left, no one would give him something to eat, and he would fall into endless despair.

I am afraid, he is really scared, he has never been afraid of losing something like this.

Now he knows that he will be afraid, afraid of losing food, afraid to lose his own owner.

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