The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1442: Big trouble (5)

"You are really... too surprised me." Wen Ya's careful liver plops and throbs, her family is really a girl!

Before I was fifteen, I made so many earth-shattering things. It is absolutely forced to kill the so-called geniuses and powerhouses!

"It’s not a shame to give you and your father a shame." Shen Yanxiao smiled slightly, how can the praise of others be comparable to the praise of his mother.

Wen Ya smiled: "If your father knows your current achievements, he will be very happy."

"Mother assured, I will let the Elf King surrender his father." Shen Yanxiao looked at Wenya firmly.

"What are your plans?" Wenya asked.

Shen Yanxiao mysteriously smiled and said to Wenya: "Mother is waiting to watch the show, and the rest is left to me."

"Good." Knowing the power of Shen Yanxiao, Wen Ya is one hundred and twenty assured of her daughter.

Shen Yanxiao turned to the screaming still eating: "Hey, I will eat again, let me go to work together."

"Hey?" He looked at his eyes and looked at Shen Yanxiao. He looked at the food in his hand and his expression was a little struggling.

"I am a little hungry..." He said that he had consumed a lot of power.

Still waiting for Shen Yanxiao to speak, Suzaku has strode to the front of the meteor, grabbed the bag of ore in his hand, and the other hand directly opened his mouth, and poured all the ore in the bag into the brain. Awkward mouth!

"There is so much nonsense, let you do it, you will do it! Hurry and finish it!" Suzaku was quite brutal to him.

"Hey! Hey!!" He was brutally stuffed with Suzaku's mouthful of food, and he painfully threw two small claws.

Suzaku has no sympathy and can't push it down.

Finally, after swallowing all the food in his mouth, he wiped the tears in the corner of his eyes. Under the **** of Suzaku, the fart was followed by Suzaku, and Yan Yanxiao took the gentle arm and followed. Go out.

Outside the palace, the moonlight shrouded, and the faint moonlight brought a glimmer of light in the night.

"Hey." Shen Yanxiao looked at the squatting beside Suzaku.


"Take out your skills and give me the moonlight city!" Shen Yanxiao's mouth outlined a bad smile.

If she wants the Elf Kings, she must have enough money!

"No problem!" With a smile, the petite body rushed to the sky, the glare of the light instantly wrapped up, and the light expanded between the blinks. When the light faded, the huge beasts appeared in the sky. Shen Yanxiao and Wen Ya's eyes.

"Hey!!" The roar of the horrified battle rang through the sky!

"Suzaku, take us to the theater." Shen Yanxiao is facing Zhuque.

Suzaku immediately turned into a figure, and a huge flamingo appeared in the moonlight city in the blink of an eye. The red flame reflected the sky!

Shen Yanxiao pulled on Wenya and sat directly on the back of Suzaku.

The emergence of two huge World of Warcraft, to the moonlight city to bring an unprecedented disaster!

After being detained for more than a hundred years, he finally regained his freedom on this day. The shackles of more than one hundred years filled his heart with anger, and now it has broken away all the shackles.

The king of beasts that once stunned the bright continent has reappeared between the heavens and the earth!


Eight ends

It is recommended that the works of the basic friend Yu Weiyan, "The evil king drug lord: strong pet waste material prostitute" has been fat, can be slaughtered.

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