The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1443: A big fight (6)

The wind is screaming, the horse is screaming, and it is roaring! I am roaring!

Moonlight City was enveloped in the sky-filled beast.

For the elves, this is a nightmare.

For 饕餮, this is a carnival.

No one thought that the cockroaches that suddenly disappeared from the dungeons appeared again in the Moonlight City, but unlike the past, this behemoth has already rushed out of the cage, and there is no trace of shackles that can bind its footsteps!

Distributed throughout the Moonlight City, looking for the elves of the elves, attracted by the screaming screams, immediately swarming toward where the cockroaches are.

Shen Yanxiao sat on the spine of Suzaku and looked down at the elves from all directions. The elves had already held their bows and arrows while they were running, ready to attack.

Shen Yanxiao slightly raised his lips and said: "Suzaku, don't let them hurt."

It’s noisy, she doesn’t want her family’s just-fed food to be shot by the elves.

Suzaku swayed the fire wing, and a fiery whirlwind immediately wrapped it.

If you want to keep the accuracy of shooting in such a gust of wind, even the elves can't do it.

When the elves were close to the embarrassment, they raised their bows and arrows and shot them, but the arrows flew away. They were immediately blown by the wind. Don’t say that they hit the target. They didn’t know where to fly. It is.

At this time, they discovered that in the sky, there is still a huge Warcraft!

"What is that?" The elves looked at the flamingos above the sky, and under the whirlwind of the flamingos, they couldn't hurt a hair.

A cockroach has made them difficult to cope with, and now there is a flying World of Warcraft, this elf can really blink.

The flying height of Suzaku has exceeded the range of many of their elves. It is almost impossible to maintain accuracy at such a long distance. Moreover, Suzaku is not stupidly parked in the air, in the sky. Overlord, the flexibility in the air is not to be underestimated.

In addition, the continuous flow of air under the Suzaku's wings, which interferes, is more terrible than on the ground.

A behemoth on the ground, a giant flamingo flying in the sky, the elves of the Moonlight City are enemies.

He was squatting on the ground, four thick claws, sulking on the ground in anger, venting the anger he had been detained for so many years, because there was a sudden silence, and there was no real To hurt any elf, he is just pretending to play the prestige, but the light is so, it has already made many elves scare faceless.

Soon, the Elf King came to the company with the burning of Chu.

Surrounded by a group of elves, Elf King finally saw the chaos in Moonlight City! !

As soon as he saw two giant beasts, the face of the Elf King was ugly, and when he saw the flamingo on the back of the sky, the familiar figure of the eyes, the shock of the bottom of the eyes could no longer conceal!

"Wen Ya?"


Night home army on June 28th, 8:00 yy activities, yy channel address [33517177], the first event to reward the **** of the q version of the mug! Teenagers who are interested in participating in the event, yy ah ~ all kinds of explosive materials, all kinds of spoilers have wood! !

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