The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1444: A big fight (7)

The previous second was still the gentleman of the prisoner, but now he is sitting on the back of Suzaku, looking up at the group of elves.

At the side of Wenya, there was a little girl with a smile on her face. Although she was still young, she had already shown signs of glory. The eyebrows and Wenya were somewhat similar.

The Elf King image was hit hard, and his heart was like a huge stone.

That child...

Isn't it a gentle daughter?

"What do you want to do?" The Elf King took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the inner despair.

Shen Yanxiao sat on the back of the Suzaku, smiling at the Elf King who had changed his face.

"The Elf King please rest assured that I am not going to do anything, but there are some things I want to talk to you alone."

If you want to negotiate, you have to show your own weight at the beginning.

The gambling bureau of Shen Yanxiao is faced with the supreme ruler of the Shenyue continent. This is not comparable to the emperors of mankind.

When the emperor died, he could mobilize the army of a country. There were still some faces and unconstrained generals doing small moves in the ground, but the Elf King was in charge of the entire elf of the gods and gods. There was absolutely no one who dared to defy his orders. .

The combination of the symbol of power and the spiritual leader is the most terrible of such opponents.

Shen Yanxiao is betting, the gambling elf king wants to break the net, pull all the elves of Moonlight City and her two World of Warcraft to fight in the end, or sit down and talk to her calmly.

This is also a last resort.

If it is not for finding his father as soon as possible, Shen Yanxiao does not want to choose such a way to take risks.

However, these thoughts are well hidden by Shen Yanxiao. In the eyes of the elves, she is definitely a horrible terrorist! !

Elf King's face is very dignified. He never thought about it. A small human being, he had the courage to run into his moonlight city and ask to negotiate with him!

This is definitely the most daring human being he has ever seen!

"Why do you personally negotiate with my king!" Burning Chu stretched a face and stood in front of the Elf King, watching Chen Yanxiao, who was not inferior.

Shen Yanxiao slightly raised his eyebrows and raised one hand!

In an instant, the roar of roaring and the screams of Suzaku came one after another. There was no brute force attack. The roar of Warcraft above the level of two beasts brought a huge shock wave. The few elves near the front end were almost not This shock wave directly stunned.

"Just rely on this." Shen Yanxiao hooked his lips and looked at the burning.

She has been unhappy with this captain for a long time. When she burned Chu and Wenya, Shen Yanxiao began to have hostility towards the burning.

With the shock wave of two giant beasts, the face of the burning burnt was ugly.

As the captain of the Silvermoon Guard, he is responsible for guarding the safety of Moonlight City. Now he is being swayed by a human being with two World of Warcraft to his own jurisdiction. He still has no way.

Shen Yanxiao is simply playing the face of burning Chu!

A cockroach needs to ask the Elf King to go out in person. Now there is a Suzaku, and the next elves can be considered unlucky.

The Elf King looked at Shen Yanxiao and looked at the two World of Warcraft in the violent walk. He took a deep breath: "Well, I promise you. But you must ensure that these two Warcraft will not harm any elves."

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