The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1445: Conversation (1)

Elf King succumbed!

In the face of two super high-level Warcraft, he did not dare to make a bet with the life of all the elves in Moonlight City.

Shen Yanxiao gamble won!

This is a small step for her, but it is a big step for mankind!

For thousands of years, she was the first and only one who dared to go to Moonlight City to find the Elf King to single-handedly.

"Wu Wang!" Burning incredible look at the Elf King, can't believe that he actually promised Shen Yanxiao's request.

Elf King shook his head slightly, so he didn't have to say much.

Shen Yanxiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although she has certain certainty that the Elf King will not put all the elves of Moonlight City into battle, but negotiating with the supreme ruler of a race is really not what the average person can bear.

"You are a kind king." Shen Yanxiao looked at the Elf King and smiled.

This has to be replaced by the emperor of the Longxuan Empire. It may have long put the life and death of his men outside, and he can shout the army to crush them.

In a sense, the Elf King is a benevolent.

The Elf King did not say much, but walked into the palace alone. Shen Yanxiao ordered the Suzaku to descend, and he and Wen Ya also followed the past.

When Shen Yanxiao’s feet had not yet entered the temple, the burning inside not far behind immediately spoke out: “Human! If you dare to hurt my king, my elves must not end with you!”

All the elves are surrounded by the burning, and swear to defend their king.

Shen Yanxiao turned his head and looked at the burning fire, and smiled.

"Don't be so nervous, can I still eat your king without a weak woman?"

A weak woman with no force in her hands...

The elves can't wait for a **** face!

Who has seen the beast that can scream with two screams to the Elf Lord City to provoke the Elf King? She is still a weak woman...

Completely ignore the psychological activities of the elves' indignation, Shen Yanxiao pulled Wenya into the hall.

The Elf King sat quietly in the chair and looked at the two beautiful women in front of her.

"Sit down." The Elf King's unusually gentle opening, as if he was not threatened by Shen Yanxiao, but volunteered to chat with old friends.

Shen Yanxiao and Wen Ya sat down.

"What do you want to talk to me?" Elf King looked at Shen Yanxiao sitting next to Wenya. The two women were like the color of the city, and the eyebrows were similar, even if he wanted to lie to them. It doesn't matter, it's impossible.

Shen Yan Xiaodao said: "I think you have already guessed my identity, then I am not nonsense, I hope that you will hand over my father Shen Yu."

The Elf King chuckled and didn't look at Shen Yanxiao, but looked directly at Wenya.

"Xiaoya, your daughter is as straightforward as you."

Wenya looked at Shen Yanxiao, and her eyes were full of love and pity.

"She is my daughter, naturally like me."

Elf King said: "When you first entered Moonlight City, I remember very clearly that you are always so gentle and elegant to outsiders, but it is not true to you, your temper is not as peaceful as an elf, but instead More like human beings, maybe this is different for you, let me notice you."

Wenya did not speak. She already had her husband, her own child, and she did not want to mention anything about the past.

She is now just a woman who wants to protect her family.

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