The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1464: Illusion gathering (7)

"The Lord God..." Donnazhi looked at the sky and suddenly had a strong sense of pride in human beings!

The Terran is the weakest of the eight races, but it has the most powerful god!

It can't be any more wonderful!

"So, can we make God?" Shen Yanxiao's eyes sparkled.

"To a certain extent, for example, the upper gods of the four races, as long as they find a suitable successor, they can." The Mozu and the undead are directly removed, the whereabouts of the Lord God is unknown, and the Protoss itself is a god, so it is also circled.

"But the specific situation, I have to wait until I return to the last temple of the Protoss."

"When are you going? Bring us together!!" Donnazhi's eyes began to take off green!

Mind: "After I take my body."

"What?" Donagham and others stunned.

"Repair is only the shape of the soul state, his body ... is still in the hands of the group of warlocks, he can only open the body to the channel of the gods." Shen Yanxiao looked at the repair, the eyes flashed A firm light.

In any case, she will help repair his body!

The soul form is so strong...Is it back to the entity?

Five birds, the beast swallowed silently.

I can't bully the little girl in the future, this girl has already found a backing!

This brother-in-law is a bit ferocious!

"What is the situation in the ridiculous land?" Shen Yan Xiao is on the mainland of Shenyue, but his heart has been worried about his own land in the ridiculous land.

"There are a few of us watching, what else can you give? You are relieved, everything is in the plan." Like to ease the atmosphere before, Xi Xia smiled.

"Which step to go, we will not tell you in advance, waiting for you to go back, you will understand it when you look at it." Tang Naizhi mysteriously squinted at Yan Yan Xiao Yan.

They are on the bright continent, but they have prepared a big surprise for Shen Yanxiao!

"In other words, when are you going to set off and go back?" Yang said.

Shen Yanxiao said: "It may take a few days, my last seal is about to break through. After the breakthrough, we will go back."

"it is good!"

Shen Yanxiao looked at Wenya: "Mother if the grandfather knows that you and his father are still alive, he will be very happy."

Wen Ya smiled slightly and shook her head gently: "I can't go back to the bright continent with you."

"Why?" The smile on Shen Yanxiao's face solidified.

"I want to go to the dragon's territory, I want to find your father." Wenya smiled, she also reluctant to Shen Yanxiao, but she is more worried about the husband whose whereabouts are unknown.

Only when Shen Yu is brought back, they are considered complete families.

Shen Yanxiao bite her lip, and she also wants to go with Wenya, but there are still many things waiting for her to deal with in the bright continent.

The animal tide is coming, she must return to the bright mainland to sit down.

"You go back to your busy business. When I find your father, I will go back to the bright mainland to find you with him." Wenya reached out and touched Shen Yanxiao's head, and her eyes were full of disappointment.

Shen Yanxiao can only nod.

"Okay! Eat and drink enough, it's time to do business!" Qi Xia activities activities, sent a ring to the hands of Shen Yanxiao.

"You are fifteen years old tonight, happy birthday."


The early morning update ends here.

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