The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1465: Illusion gathering (8)

Among the monks, there were more than fifty Chengchi contract books lying quietly.

Shen Yan Xiao Yan widened his eyes and looked at Qi Xia in disbelief.

When she left, there were only a few cities under her hand, but in just one year, they actually won more than 50 cities in the sun!

Shen Yanxiao is simply unbelievable!

"The five main cities were all captured by us. Many of the cities here are sent by local high-level demons." Qi Xia smiled at Shen Yanxiao.

More than 50 cities in a year, this is a brilliant record!

"The number of high-level demons you have now is already ten thousand." Donaghy dropped a blockbuster in his chair.

More than 10,000 high demon...

Equivalent to more than 10,000 second-professionals!

Shen Yanxiao simply wants to vomit blood, this is not to say anything else, even if the broken star palace is really looking for the door, she also has the strength of a battle!

"How? This gift is not bad." Yang Xi looked at Shen Yanxiao, with a smile on his eyes.

The reason why they delayed the journey to the Shenyue continent was to capture more cities.

The total number of cities and towns in the day is not more than 100, and Shen Yanxiao has played a role in the city that does not fall by half!

How brilliant this is!

For the more than 50 cities, the Magic Group in the past few months, can be said to be busy, in addition to eating and sleeping, they have all the experience in the capture of the city, the city of the seat was Take it down, the strength continues to grow, and more demons turn to their camp after seeing the prosperity of the day.

The hard days of the first few months have become very smooth!

Shen Yanxiao stared at the more than fifty contracts, and his eyes were red.

This one-page contract, all of them told her that during this time they were working hard.

"Thank you." A thousand words, all become the most direct two words.

"We are also polite with us. These cities can all have our family's share in it. In the future, you will have to kill you. Don't cry when you are." Donnazhi smiled and looked at Shen Yanxiao.

"Sincerely slaughter." Shen Yanxiao looked at the five partners, and felt a sense of heart. Any one of them had a foothold in the ridiculous land, but they gave up their chance to fight the world and wholeheartedly fight for her. Quartet, this love is not complete in her life.

"This is what you said, don't regret it!" Donaghy laughed so much.

"I didn't expect today to be your birthday, so in the evening I let the elves prepare a feast, it is for your birthday." Elf Wang smiled, he appreciated the mode of the six spirits, there is no excessive interest, Some are just mutual support.

A grand birthday party was held under the auspices of the Elf King.

This is the most beautiful birthday of Shen Yanxiao. She has repairs, a magical group, and a direct mother. All this makes her feel like she is dreaming.

Listening to the songs of the elves, Shen Yanxiao sat in front of the campfire and was with Xiuyi. Throughout the evening, Xiu was sitting next to Shen Yanxiao and watching the lively scene.

"Happy birthday." The repaired look showed a trace of exhaustion. After he cured the tree of life, his strength was overdraft. The reason why he did not go to sleep was because he wanted to accompany Shen Yanxiao to spend her fifteenth birthday.

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