The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1469: Return of the Lord (2)

Shen Yanxiao sat in the carriage and looked at the new and ridiculous land.

The once ruined scene no longer exists, and a brand-new city stands in this former restricted area. On the avenue that has been opened, many carriages can frequently enter and exit the city, and many humans are gathering at the gate of the city. Enter the city.

Shen Yanxiao was surprised to find that there were also a few low-level demons in the crowd with their backs on their backs. The appearance of these demons did not cause any confusion. Instead, there were many humans who would communicate with each other.

Obviously, in the ridiculous land, the relationship between humans and demons has changed dramatically, from the hostility of the past to the peaceful coexistence!

"I soon arrived at the place." Qi Xia leaned in the carriage, hands behind his back, smiling at the side face of Shen Yanxiao eyes.

“How did you do it?” Shen Yanxiao looked at the ridiculous land full of vitality and felt like a dream.

"Not us, it is you." Qi Xia Dao.

"I?" Shen Yanxiao looked puzzled at Qi Xia, she was not in the bright continent during this time.

"You have given us a good foundation. You will transform the attitude of the demon to human beings. It is marked by the day. The people here have accepted the existence of the demon." Qi Xia smiled, they just left Shen Yanxiao. The expansion of the foundation industry was originally made by her.

If it weren’t for Shen Yanxiao to surrender the demon and give them a stable life and a steady stream of food, they would never be able to do this in such a short period of time.

It is her that resolves the appetite of the demon to human beings, indirectly allowing humans to change their attitude towards the demon.

Without the help of the demon, the development of the city pool is only to rebuild the city, and they can still get it.

Shen Yanxiao touched her nose, but she really didn't know what she left, it would have such a big effect.

"Now every city is coexisting with humans and demons. We planted the vegetation in the underground with the three plants planted in these cities, and the demons are very useful." Qi Xia Dao.

Every city seems to be so peaceful. Every wall is so tall and tough. A modified firearm is placed on the wall and is invincible.

It has become a small country, no matter whether it is living environment or defensive ability, it is not weaker than any country on the bright continent.

Even every resident here enjoys far more than any country!

The Magic Auction House has now grown to more than a dozen. It has set up branches in several medium-sized cities and large cities. The most essential items from the ridiculous land are auctioned in it. All this is Shen Yanxiao. Accumulated huge wealth.

Shen Yanxiao even if he is taking all the people and demons to eat the old, can also eat for a lifetime.

It can be said that the richness of Shen Yanxiao is now reaching the point where the money is too much!

With the support of the economy, more than 50 cities are built according to the highest specifications. The walls, buildings and defenses are the top design.

Just taking out one compared with the other four countries can make those dignitaries in the emperors feel ashamed.

In the city of Shen Yanxiao, there are no poor people, no beggars, and everyone is well fed.

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