The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1470: Return of the Lord (3)

Not in the city, there are special repair towers specially built to enhance magic and vindictiveness. This also attracts a large number of strong people. In order to break through the higher realm, many people have chosen to join the ridiculous land. The army.

For those who are pursuing higher and stronger, nationality no longer has any binding force, they need a better platform, a wider world.

Nowhere, it is more suitable for them than the ridiculous land.

Shen Yanxiao was sitting in the carriage. As he gradually approached the sun, the crowds in the various cities became more and more crowded.

Nowhere is not a lively scene.

When the carriage stopped in front of the gate that was not falling, Shen Yanxiao walked down from the carriage and stepped on her own land. She had peace of mind and pride in her heart.

Five birds, the beast walked behind Shen Yanxiao, and gave the leader's position to the owner of the territory.

Shen Yanxiao went to the door of the sun, but it was noon, but the gate that was not falling was locked. She had just approached and had to knock on the door in the future. The closed door was opened.

When the gate opened, a piece of petals fell from the wall, the petals fluttered, and the cheers echoed into the sky in an instant!

"Respect the Lord's return!" The tidy and powerful snoring came from the sun. From the day when the city did not fall, countless humans and demons stood on both sides of the road, neatly lined up, and their right hands were against themselves. The chest, slightly lowering the upper body, greet their lords in the most predecessor way!

Shen Yanxiao was shocked and looked at the scene in front of him. The neat boulevard was covered with pink petals. A cluster of flowers was placed on both sides of the road. The red color was like a gorgeous sunset covering the earth.

Shen Yan opened his mouth and looked at the familiar figures standing at the front end. His eyes showed a smile from the heart.

"I am back."

she is back!

In the ridiculous land, welcome your own master to return!

All the people and the demons straightened up and stood upright, and the fists placed on their chests were not put down.

The left chest, the closest to the heart, represents their loyalty.

In the past year, they have not forgotten the existence of Shen Yanxiao. They have been working hard and have been struggling. They must brand the ridiculous land with the name of Shen Yanxiao before the return of the lord. For their lords!

At this moment, the day was not quiet, and everyone closed their mouths with great consensus. They used their eyes to look at their lords with their hearts.

Solemn and solemn.

Step by step into the sun, this is the original city of Shen Yanxiao, she seems to return to her home, her homeland.

Such a strong sense of belonging, Shen Yanxiao has never been.

Shen Yanxiao walked at the forefront, and the other five people in the Magic Group followed closely, but they always kept a three-step distance from Shen Yanxiao.

No more, only three steps.

The long road leads directly to the city's main government. From the city gate to the city's main government, the dense crowds are not sparse. They crowded it here, but there was no sound.

In the final step, stepping on the ladder of the city's main government, Shen Yanxiao turned and looked at the crowds gathered in front of the city's main square.

The eyes that looked forward to each other, the pair of hot eyes, made Shen Yanxiao feel very incomparable.

"The day is not falling, I am really back!"

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