The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1471: Bright First City (1)

The cheers broke out at this moment, and the humming sound of the earth shook the earth.

Shen Yanxiao walked into the city government in the cheers of everyone. Everything in the house was so clean and tidy. Even though it has been uninhabited for nearly a year, it is not stained with dust.

In the distant gods, Shen Siyu stood on the top of the mountain, watching the white mist in the mountains, gently pouring the envelopes into the cliff.

The corner of his mouth burst into a peaceful smile.


Shen Yanxiao is back, Shen Yanxiao is going to be tragedy!

Just after returning to the sun, Shen Yanxiao has not had time to catch her breath, and a large group of people have already poured in front of her.

Du Lang moved all the personnel who had settled in the barren land during this time, and carefully classified the categories.

Nine Uncle has also placed a large number of resource records in front of Shen Yanxiao. The Suhe River has handed over the distribution map of the mine. The sound of the nine-sound silently took out the business plan, and the wolf will record the magic auction house. All handed up.

"..." Looking at the information piled up in front of him, Shen Yanxiao suddenly had the urge to squat.

"This is the surprise you have prepared for me?" Shen Yan Xiao squinted and looked at the five little friends who stood by and laughed at the past, and could not wait to use their eyes to kill them.

Dare to let her catch her breath!

Dare to let her change clothes!

"Hello, hahaha!!" Donna couldn't help but smile again, and smiled on the floor.

Du Lang and others also showed a smile on their faces.

Shen Yanxiao picked up his eyebrows and looked at the group of people and immediately understood what was going on.

"Dare to scare me? Are you itchy?"

"Just make a joke with you." Du Lang smiled and spoke, and moved the stacked materials to the side, but handed a thin book to Shen Yanxiao.

This booklet is much gentler than the sheer amount of information.

Shen Yanxiao took it over and looked at it carefully. This is the book of all the data recorded during the period of the ridiculous land.

The distribution and scale of more than 50 cities and towns are briefly recorded, and the cooperative businesses are also clear at a glance. The mines developed have been briefly introduced, and Shen Yanxiao does not seem to be laborious.

However, the more backward, the more shocking the expression of Shen Yanxiao.

"We have more than 18,000 high-level demons now?" Shen Yan Xiao Biaoba eyes, although listening to Qi Xia said that the number of high-level demon has broken 10,000, but she did not expect this is more than a million, seeing it will break two Thousands!

Shen Yanxiao turned a page again, and Meifeng picked it up and took a breath.

"More than seven hundred high-end Warcraft?" Shen Yanxiao looked at this data with surprise, which is much better than her previous expectations!

There are not only more than 700 high-level Warcraft, but also more than 9,000 medium-level Warcraft, the number of lower-level Warcraft is more so that she can not count.

It can be said that the current situation has far exceeded the target set by Shen Yanxiao.

Not only did everyone in the Wolves Mercenary Group get a high-level Warcraft, but even the elites selected by them and some of the slaves had their own high-level Warcraft.

As the first city, the day is not falling, almost one of the hands of Warcraft, even a low-level World of Warcraft can not find.

This coverage is simply unbelievable!

The number of high-level Warcraft in a city of Shen Yanxiao has exceeded the total number of a country!

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