The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1472: Bright First City (2)

If the group is not pulled out, it will be able to crush all the banned forces of the four kingdoms!

How cruel!

"Not only that, the seven wolves have reached the peak of the big professional now, it is estimated that it will take a long time to break through the second turn." Qi Xia hands around the chest, and gave Shen Yan Xiao a blockbuster.

"There are already many members of the cave wolf mercenary group who have entered the realm of big professionals. After another two or three years, it is estimated that all of them must be promoted to a higher level. If we do not force ourselves, we will not be able to estimate it. Give the group of mixed-boys a head." The wolf puts his hand on Du Lang's shoulder and smiles.

"Small nine children are already senior pharmacists, and many intermediate pharmacists are still on the road to high-level," said Donnazhi.

The sound of the nine dust is a bit shy and low head.

Shen Yanxiao smiled slightly, and the sound of the nine dust itself has a high pharmacy talent, but if she wants to break through the senior pharmacist in such a short period of time, she must have paid a lot of slaves.

"The main thing is that the place is good. The room that the lord has prepared for us is the ore that enhances the magic and the vindictive effect. If we do not move, it will be too shameful." Du Lang smiled and said that he thought he had been in his life. The senior professional didn't have a chance. He didn't expect to spend more than two years with Shen Yanxiao. He quickly touched the threshold of two turns.

The people under Shen Yanxiao’s opponent can be said to have been under the blood. The room of each of the cave wolves’ mercenaries is made of heavy gold, which is suitable for practicing magic and vindictiveness.

It can be said that the cost of each of their rooms is not more than a million coins.

Only the local tyrants such as Shen Yanxiao were willing to make so much money for their own men.

"The promotion is not only Du Lang, they are not small, the progress of the demon is not small, the little wolf family is a wonderful, just a year, actually evolved from a low-level demon to a high demon!" Staring at the wolf, I can't believe it.

"Little?" Shen Yanxiao remembers the little demon and the wolf, it seems that some...

"What is my family, don't talk about it!" The face of the wolf's fortitude appeared immediately with a blush of blush, and wanted to cover the martyrdom.

"The demon has evolved so fast?" Shen Yanxiao did not think that the promotion speed of the demon was actually faster than Du Lang.

"There are only a small one. The other demons have evolved from a low to a medium, and only a few have evolved from a medium to a high. The small situation is very special." Du Lang explained.

Although the number is small, it verifies the theory that the demon can evolve under the support of the dark elements. This is only a year, if you give them a few more years, the medium demon that Shen Yanxiao receives, it is estimated to go Higher rushed.

That is not a high-definition demon of one or two thousand!

That is hundreds of thousands, even hundreds of thousands!

Hundreds of thousands of second-professionals...

Pulling out can definitely crush any organization on the bright continent.

What is the broken star palace, come one to destroy one, come two to destroy one pair!

"Small seal?" Shen Yanxiao looked at a circle, but did not find the figure of blue seal glass.

"The small seal has not come back yet. I have already sent the pigeon to him. I believe that he and the two phoenixes should come back in a few days." Qi Xia Dao, the more than 700 high-level Warcraft, which is not falling, is at least half Xiaofeng personally caught it. After Shen Yanxiao left, the blue-brown glass never returned to the sun. He used all his time and experience to expand the Warcraft Legion for Shen Yanxiao.


The early morning update ends here

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