The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1493: First battle (5)

It is absolutely impossible to let more than a thousand siege weapons enter the range of the day, otherwise it will be over!

All the demons stationed in the fort were received orders from the enchantress. They immediately adjusted their targets and aimed at the siege weapons bombing!

The target adjustment of the artillery caused a chaos in the four-nation alliance. The artillery bombardment brought the soldiers responsible for the siege weapons to death and death.

"Give me a quick change, I want to see when they can hold it!" The elders gritted their teeth.

When the soldiers went down, there were new soldiers filling up, and the siege weapons were running endlessly. This kind of casualties was quite different from before.

The hesitation of the artillery shells is based on group injuries. Today, the target is locked on an independent and sturdy siege weapon, and the effect is much worse.

An artillery, attacking a siege weapon dozens of times, is likely to destroy it.

During this time, the walls of Del City have been hit by tens of thousands of times, and on the unmovable walls, there has finally been a crack in the road!

This sturdy wall has begun to shake in the fire!

The appearance of the cracks gave great encouragement to the alliance of the four countries, and the elders of the elders clamored to make the offensive of the siege weapons even more crazy.

The intensive attack fell on the wall of Del City. A cannon was run hard and was bombarded with a huge gap. The three lower demons stood on the bare fort, but they still did not stop the attack. Give up the bomb.

"It's actually a demon! Damn! The magician and the archer immediately slaughtered the three demons!" Qu Xun saw the exposed demon, the fire came from the heart, let him eat such a big loss, the gambling room actually It is a three-class demon, it is a shameful shame.

Under one command, thousands of archers and magicians instantly bombarded the three lower monsters who held the fort into a meat sauce.

The three demons didn’t even have time to make a cry, they were dead.

The enchantress's gaze stared at the bare fort, the purple scorpion was full of bloodshot blood, and the three bloodstains were printed in the soul.

"I must kill them." The enchantress clenched his fist and the angry face burned with angry flames.

The demons stationed in Del City were personally selected and personally cultivated. She knew very well that without her orders, even if the lower demons knew that they were going to die, it was absolutely impossible to leave the fort half a step.

"The enchantress..." Du Lang looked at the angry face of the enchantress, this is the first time he saw the angry expression of the enchantress.

"Let's retreat." Du Lang couldn't bear it. Under the disguise of the enchantress's cold eyes, her female demon's cherished love for the same kind has made her unable to bear it all.

The enchantress bites the root of the tooth: "I can't withdraw now. I promised to pass the lord. I will definitely let the four-nation alliance pay the price in Del City. I can't just leave it. If the siege weapon is not going down the city, it will be the day. Falling can't be saved, I have to, reduce the number of them here!"

In the roar of the gunfire, the enchantress closed her eyes, and the **** smell of the demon spread in her breath, which made her heartache.

However, they cannot retreat.

If it is pushed, the day will not fall, and Shen Yanxiao will be defeated, and their demon will be here as the unspeakable presence of the bright continent.

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