The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1494: First battle (60

Not so much, the demon is fighting for Shen Yanxiao, it is better to say that they are fighting for their own survival.

The attacking of the ridiculous land of the four countries indicates that the last living space of the demon on the bright continent will be deprived.

Shen Yan Xiao Sheng, the demon is born, Shen Yan Xiao defeat, then the demon on the bright continent will also face destruction!

The enchantress can't retreat. She must use the defense power of Del City to the extreme. The more than 70 artillery pieces must be replaced with the same number of siege weapons on the opposite side, otherwise she will face her own kind and Shen Yanxiao. trust.

The demon looked at Du Lang with a strange look, with a bitter smile in his eyes.

"You didn't use it."

Del City is the city that the enchantress is responsible for. The task of Du Lang is to guard the day, but he has followed him.

"I just want to say, if we can still live in this war, enchantress, are you willing to marry me?" Du Lang smiled and looked at the enchantress, the mercenary mercenary revealed his heart at this moment. .

The enchantress gave a slight glimpse, and then she smiled. "If you are not afraid of being laughed at by the same kind, I will marry you."

Du Lang didn't say anything more, he just held the hand of the enchantress.

The defense of Del City was destroyed by the amnesty. The attacking power of the siege weapon was so shocking that the fort was destroyed. None of the demons responsible for the artillery fled halfway. They insisted on the last stage in Fortress Hill and were countless The magic and arrows passed through the previous second, still sticking to their duties, filling up and launching!

Although they are the lowest demon, they also have a certain instinct.

In addition to the orders of the higher demons, they seem to know that if they retreat at this moment, then their own kind will be slaughtered in the future!

Therefore, they can't retire and don't dare to retire!

More than 70 turrets on the wall of the city of Del City, less than half of the number in the blink of an eye, a huge gap was blasted on the wall.

Under the cover of the siege weapons, the troops of the four countries swarmed toward the gap in Del City like a flood.

The ground shakes, the snoring and the hooves sound, and the sound is on the heart of the enchantress.

"All the demons, the final attack, five minutes later, into the tunnel." The enchantress closed his eyes, the wall has been broken, they can no longer continue to attack, once the four countries army flooded into the city, they will not even have the last retreat .

The demons carried out their final work. One minute before the Allied forces entered the city of Del, they reluctantly withdrew from the battle turret and sneaked into the dungeon under the leadership of the enchantress.

Before they left, the enchantress fired a fire, burned all the artillery and artillery shells, and even put a fire in the city of Del, watching the familiar city pool swallowed by his own hands, the enchanting heart is very heavy.

I would rather ruin all of this, and definitely not leave a trace of the Union of Four countries!

"I will definitely come back." The enchantress looked at the destroyed turrets, where her men died without a burial place. She didn't even have time to collect the corpses for them.

"We will win, I will come back with you at that time." Du Lang took the enchantress and walked into the dungeon.

After they entered the dungeon, the enchantress decisively pressed the organ. In a moment, the connection between the dungeon and the city of Del, was blocked by a huge rock, and the hot iron water was used to water it, and the passage was completely sealed. dead!

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