The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1501: Shen Yanxiao's ghost idea (2)

As night fell, the Union of Four countries camped on the vast expanse of land, a tent was set up in the camp, and a pile of bonfires ignited, igniting a cluster of fire in this dark and ridiculous land.

Several soldiers of the Longxuan Empire sat around the fire, and from time to time they were not far away, the city that they attacked yesterday.

Or, it can't be called a city, but a pile of rocks.

"That's a bit of a sorrow, it's too embarrassing to do things. If you want to destroy the city so thoroughly, there is no place for us to stay." A soldier couldn't help but complain.

The climate of the ridiculous land is almost human life, the daytime is good, the temperature of the sudden drop at night, so many of them can not adapt, bursts of cold wind, through the armor, blowing their bones are cold.

If those cities are still there, they will have a place to shelter from the wind and rain, and where to sleep in the wilderness.

"The struggle before death! She knows that it is not the opponent of our four-nation alliance, so she destroyed everything." Another soldier said.

"I have inquired about the situation of a lot of ridiculous city pools before, and I hope that I can live in this battle for a day or two. The result is a whole." The soldier snorted and was very sorry.

"Be careful to talk, if you hear from Jiang Yan, you have a good fruit to eat."

"Hey, I will say that, mainly blame the Shen Yanxiao, a good Suzaku family disciple, honestly staying in the emperor is not very good? You have to go to this ridiculous place to reluctantly, but also from the nationality and Demon collusion, you said that if she saves snacks, we don’t have such a lot of things? If this place belongs to the Longxuan Empire in the early morning, do we still need to run here to suffer sin? I really don’t understand what the stinky girl is doing. Ghost, is your brain not good?" The soldier vented his full grievances to the enemy's body, and vented it. He got up and wanted to go to the edge of the fire and get some food.

However, the forefoot had just stepped out, and he felt a force coming from his back. The next second he even involuntarily fell to the fire.

In an instant, the soldiers who fell into the fire made a pig-like roar, and even rolled up from the fire to the side, the soldiers sitting next to him directly stupid.

How good is this product, actually fell a dog to eat? Still a face on the fire?

Isn't this a proper disfigurement?

The accident on this side attracted many soldiers' expectations.

A few breeze swept past the soldiers, with a touch of scent.

The siege weapons of the four countries were all looked after by the commanders of the four countries. As the main siege force of this battle, all the siege weapons were closely guarded.

Around each of the siege weapons, there were more than a dozen soldiers standing on the third floor and the third floor. They were holding swords one by one, and they did not squint, and they were shocked by the wind.

In the camp of the Lancang Dynasty, Qu Xun looked at the siege weapons under his own hands, and his eyes were somewhat distorted.

The Lancang Dynasty has dispatched more than 300 siege weapons. In the previous battles, Qu Xun’s troops did not know which way to provoke the gods, not only the most deaths and injuries, but also the loss of siege weapons. Very heavy.

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