The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1502: Shen Yanxiao's ghost idea (3)

Of the more than 200 siege weapons lost by the Four Kingdoms League, more than 80 are owned by the Lancang Dynasty.

Qu Xun’s heart is bleeding, this has not yet fallen, and the siege weapon he has on hand is almost half consumed!

No, Qu Xun pulled all the siege weapons that had been ruined half of the battlefield from the battlefield, and screamed the forgemen of the army to see if they could rescue them.

A few broken siege weapons, patchwork, it is difficult to repair into a complete siege weapon, Qu Xun's jumping feet.

The forging teachers were immersed in the blood of Qu Xun's dog, but they could only continue to mend their heads. However, in the face of the siege weapons that were bombarded with a pile of scrap iron by the artillery, they would be so versatile.

A night wind blew from behind Qu Xun, Qu Xun's irritated turn around looked around and did not find any personable, so he continued to urge the forge to work.

Soldiers guarding the siege weapons, holding their spirits to watch the movements around them.

In fact, they are very skeptical that those in the ridiculous land will not be idiotic to destroy these siege weapons.

This is a military camp where three million people are stationed!

Even if the people in the ridiculous land have great courage, should they not come here to find death?

The soldiers did not believe that there would be people to carry out the destruction, but because of the command of the command, they had to be honestly here.

In the darkness, only the fire swayed, and the huge siege weapon was covered with thick poncho, obscuring its true face.

A slight sound rang.

The soldiers immediately looked at the source of the sound. They only saw the rain cloth covering the siege weapon moving, and found nothing else.

"The wind in the night of this ridiculous land is really **** cold." A soldier couldn't help but scream, trying to shrink his neck, or the cold wind invaded.

The heavy ponchos made a burst of sound in the wind, and the soldiers occasionally looked at the past few times and found that nothing was wrong.

Under the hood of the poncho, the sudden under the siege weapon suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Six small pits were cut at the same time, and six reels appeared in the air, like six invisible hands, carefully placing the six reels in the pit and then being cut open. The soil once again covered the scrolls, as if it had never been passive.

The pontoon made another sound, and the soldiers had habitually ignored it.

The golden-colored handwriting buried in the suddenly reel faintly carries a hint of magic, but was suddenly concealed and not discovered by anyone.

The night winds of the ridiculous land are far less gentle than other areas. Many soldiers have entered the tent to avoid the wind, and only the guarded soldiers are still holding their posts.

The fire that did not go out, the fire swayed in the wind, the camp was empty, and a black triangular piece of cloth suddenly floated out of the air. Under the cover of the night, the black cloth fell quietly on the fire. It was burned and cleaned.

"Idiot." A slight sound that was almost obscured by the wind, this tiny voice was quickly smashed by the wind.

The soldiers of the Lancang dynasty guarded the siege weapons, listening to the creaking of the poncho by the wind, and they narrowed their eyes and tried to make their presence in the wind even smaller.

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