The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1516: Decisive battle (8)

"Want to run! Not so easy!" The man above the beast sneered, his beast is a wind snake.

The attacking power of the ordinary wind snake is extremely weak, but his wind snake is the king of the wind snake. It has broken through the realm of the beast. The shape of the wind snake is very slender and the action is very sensitive when fighting in the air.

The wind snake turned around in the moment when Suzaku passed by, using a long tail to stalk a wing of Suzaku, and turned over to the wings of Suzaku.

The wind snake's fangs contain a huge amount of toxins, which have a strong damage to the nerves of Warcraft.

Almost in an instant, Suzaku made a scream!

Shen Yan Xiao eyes cold, pulled out the dagger at the waist, pounced on the head of the wind snake, the man above the wind snake, immediately lifted the staff in his hand, facing Shen Yan Xiao is a blow.

Shen Yan Xiao hard with the flame of the injury, stabbed against the eyes of the wind snake!

The wind snakes hurt and loosened the restraint on the Suzaku, but its tooth decay has injected a lot of toxins into the Suzaku. The body of the Suzaku is obviously in a sluggish state, and it is not stable.

However, Suzaku insisted on the roots and hardened the paralyzing toxins in the spirit and continued to fly forward.

Shen Yanxiao’s shoulders were burned by flames, the clothes had been completely burned, and the bare skin was black and a drop of blood spread from her wounds.

She decisively took a bottle of therapeutic agent from the ring and poured it directly on her wound.

The great pain made her face pale.

"The fruit of the tree of life..."

Shen Yanxiao received the sound of Suzaku from the spiritual connection.

"In the little phoenix..."

Shen Yan Xiao was shocked and immediately called Xiaofeng.

The little phoenix drilled out from the feathers on the head of Suzaku, and the little mouth was still holding the fruit of the tree of life that the Suzaku had not eaten.

When Shen Yanxiao got the fruit, he immediately reached the top of Suzaku's head and decisively placed the fruit of the tree of life in the mouth of Suzaku.

The fruit of the tree of life has a huge healing effect on Warcraft. At the moment of swallowing the fruit of the tree of life, the toxins in the body of the Suzaku are cleared, and the wound on the wings is slowly healing.

Get rid of the paralyzed effect, Suzaku's flight speed is faster.

It is like lightning, smashed through the world of Warcraft, leaving a fiery red light!

A large piece of blood sprinkled in the air with the track of the Suzaku flying, but Suzaku did not dare to have a slight pause. The toxins in the body and the effect of the fruit tree made it almost faint. It could only bite the tongue and use pain. Force yourself to stay awake.

Finally, I got rid of the chasing and blocking of the flying forces of the Four Kingdoms Alliance. Suzaku rushed to the side of Kirin with Shen Yanxiao and Yan.

"Xiao Xiao, are you injured?" Qi Xia looked at the burns on Shen Yanxiao's shoulders. The lazy scorpion burst into a cold murderous murder. The demon from the bottom of the heart was about to be awakened.

"Nothing, let the floats do their hands, the Siege League's siege weapons are not much left, our protective cover has been unable to support it, the news that the wolf had sent them before, and the Siege Alliance's support siege weapons soon. We must deliver it, we must fight them back before they arrive!" Shen Yanxiao couldn’t take care of her own injuries, and she would lose all the mistakes in the war.

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