The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1517: Decisive battle (9)

In the camp of the Four Kingdoms Alliance, everyone is watching the fierce battles that do not fall into the sky.

Shen Yanxiao was blocked and escaped from birth, and everything that happened made them shocked.

They simply can't imagine how Shen Yanxiao did it!

It’s an incredible situation to fight thousands of enemies with thousands of flying World of Warcraft, but it has not been suppressed.

"What to do, more than 20 beasts and tens of thousands of World of Warcraft siege can not take Shen Yanxiao! In the end is what a ghost! Shen Yanxiao is a person! Not a monster, really a group of waste!" Qu Xun clenched his fists It was very dissatisfied to see Shen Yanxiao escape from birth.

Jiang Yan slightly frowned, and in the end of the first battle, the commanders of the four countries were gathered together to mobilize the army. Jiang Yan really did not see the **** like Qu Xun. Without a little bit of skill, he would only sway his own identity, if it was not broken. The lord of the Star Palace sits in the town, and he really disdains with such garbage.

The Sayādaw saw the same song. "The reason why Fang Yanxiao can escape from the encirclement seems to be related to the little boy around her. I wonder if you know what the other person is?"

The commander of the four countries, look at me, I look at you, in the news of their previous investigation, there is no mention of the identity of the little monster.

"That kind of ability can never be owned by the Terran. I speculate that the other party is likely to be formed by a beast."

"Where is there such a perverted beast? You can still swallow the attack and release it." Qu Xun snorted.

Shi Yan sneered a sneer: "The Marquis of Qu Xun is really a glimpse of Guluo. Presumably, you have never heard of the name of the ancient savage beast?"

"Hey? What?" Qu Xun did not agree with his face.

The expression of Ishigaki is more and more disdainful.

Jiang Yan said: "The head of the stone scorpion said, but the beast that was messing around in the bright continent? I remember that the beast had swallowed a lot of humans and Warcraft. In the end, it seems to be the former home of the Suzaku family. The beast and the Suzaku wounded it, and it was not known where it went."

Shi Yan looked at Jiang Yan and nodded: "I am talking about it."

"But 饕餮 and Suzaku are deadly enemies, and the beasts never sign a contract with humans. Then Shen Yanxiao has signed a contract with Zhuque, how can he surrender?" Wen elders also heard the name of 饕餮.

"This is not clear, I just watched that the attack method of Warcraft is very similar to the legendary 饕餮, and this speculation." Shi Jie explained.

"No matter what origin of Warcraft, he appears in human form, it means that he is not flying World of Warcraft, and can't play any role in the main battlefield of the sky." The sages slowly open, and the real strength of Warcraft can only erupt in the form of Warcraft.

"Shen Yanxiao, they can't stand for a long time, the protective cover is about to be broken, and our siege weapons can directly attack their city. When those people on the wall have no time to take care of the air, Shen Yanxiao, their death is only time. The problem. "The Sayādaw is full of confidence in the battle of the sky. As long as Shen Yanxiao is dead, then the generals who are not in the sky will be confused. It is sooner or later to win the city.

Just as the five of them thought about the death of Shen Yanxiao, the earth beneath the army of the Four Kingdoms suddenly violently trembled!

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