The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1520: Decisive battle (12)

"Oh, I really hate it, human hypocrisy." Futuo squinted and looked at the human soldiers who had morale.

The words of the sages have just fallen into their ears.

Eat for people?

Since they returned to Shen Yanxiao, they have never eaten a bit of human flesh. The dark elements in each city have brought them a lot of nutrition. They will go to eat unless they are crazy.

All of this has long been a well-known thing in the ridiculous land.

But in the mouth of the Sayādaw, they became the devil who wants to eat.

"There are many such hypocrites among human beings. Otherwise, we will not start playing today." The enchantress was wearing a tight purple light armor, and her graceful posture was not lost.

Humans hate the ferocity of the demon, and why does the demon not hate the hypocrisy of mankind?

"If you want to fight, we will not be afraid of them!" The militant Joe Chu said.

"It's time for these stupid humans to see the results of the repairing adults. We can't humiliate the adults."

"Yes! For the Lord! In order to repair the adults! Everyone slaughtered this group of hypocrites!" Futu laughed and ordered all the demons to embrace.

The battle between humans and demons broke out again and again hundreds of years later.

Only this time, people will rewrite the cognition of the demon!

Before the regular army, the demon did not expose a trace of chaos, but it was more orderly than the soldiers!

All the demons cooperate with each other and compete with the soldiers in front of them.

The medium demon relies on the hard scales and the sturdy volume, the current front, the crazy impact, and the chaos of the four kingdoms. The low demon is behind the lower demon, and the slaughtered soldiers are killed.

The high demon is sitting behind the town. Their long-range attacks are comparable to human magicians. The recruits are attacking the priests in the four-nation alliance.

Discovering the action of the demon, the four commanders immediately let the defensive knights protect the priest.

Without a pastor, their casualties will be even greater.

However, the demons will not give them such an opportunity. Buddhism, with all the high-level demons, sneaked into the army of the four-nation alliance and locked their targets one by one on the fragile pastors!

The speed of the high demon is not that these soldiers can block, their powerful and powerful attack, you can cross the knight with a single blow and kill the priest!

"The cooperation between these demons... How is it better than our soldiers?" Shijie's chin fell to the ground. He had never seen any monsters that could be matched so seamlessly. Where is the demon? This is simply a powerful army that has always been trained!

"Is this the demon of Shen Yanxiao training?" Jiang Yan's eyes, he is the general of the Longxuan Empire, they have to sigh with the cooperation between these demons, this quality is definitely cultivated.

However, Jiang Yan asked himself, even he himself could not train the demon into such a deputy, not only him, he believed that above the bright continent, there could not be any perfect person who could train the army!

If it is really Shen Yanxiao training, then Yan Yanxiao’s military attainments will definitely exceed all the generals of the bright continent!

This is simply terrible!


Twelve is over.

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