The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1521: Decisive battle (13)

A demon with coordination is a nightmare.

The army of the four kingdoms was broken by the demons from the central position. Although these soldiers had rekindled their fighting spirit under the instigation of the Sayādaw, the demon attack was even more terrible than they thought.

The battle between the Japanese and the four-nation alliance really started at this moment.

Countless demons and human soldiers are intertwined, snoring, roaring, one after another!

This is an earth-shattering battle. The demons are not afraid of life and death to attack the enemies of the invasion. Humans are striving to save their homes.

Both sides are sticking to their own beliefs and are not willing to give in.

After the integration of the Four Kingdoms, the demons were struggling, no matter how strong their combat power, they faced their multiple times of strength, not to mention that in addition to these soldiers, those who were summoned were also fatal to them. The blow.

The suppression of the quantity quickly revealed the clues.

The lower demons fell one by one, and the purple blood was intertwined with bright red blood to soak the land.

Buddhism led a group of high-level demons to fight blood. They couldn't remember how many soldiers' bodies were torn by their hands. I couldn't remember how many of them fell down on their own side.

"Let all the magicians and archers lock their targets on the high monsters! Their fighting power is too strong. If we continue, we will only kill and kill countless!" Jiang Yan immediately ordered the soldiers under his opponent.

In an instant, the intensive magic and arrows rushed toward the high monsters of Futu!

How powerful is the high demon, and can't stand the combined attack of hundreds of thousands of magicians and archers!

The explosive magic blew a scar of deep visible bones on them. The purple blood soaked their clothes. They were like evil spirits crawling out of hell. They didn’t retreat in half, and they ruthlessly killed. The enemy around you.

A high-level demon, who was attacked by more than a dozen magicians, wanted to rush out of the encirclement, but was blocked by the top shielded knight.

A large magical bombardment fell from the top of his head. He knew that he couldn't escape. He gave a scream of screaming in the sky, biting his teeth and piercing the two shields of the two knights, and even carrying the two knights' chests directly!

When the big magic falls, there is only a large amount of blood on the ground!

Such tragedies have been staged numerous times on this land.

The number of lower demons has dropped sharply. Although the medium demons are thick and fleshy, they can't stand such crazy bombing. Their bodies are full of arrows. Every step, the blood drops on the feet.


The dying medium demon sent out the last roar before death. It was separated from the cover of his companion, dragging the weak body to the soldier in front of him and rushing past.

The sword in the hands of the soldier pierced its flesh, but still could not stop the attack of this huge demon, the rolling and impact of the huge body, with more than a dozen dead souls into hell.

Blood and tears are intertwined, and the demons use their own lives to declare their loyalty to the sun!

Along with a loud bang, the protective cover that was continuously bombarded for half a day was finally broken, and the attack of the Alliance of Four Nations will reach the day without falling!


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Knocking on the door - Shen Yanxiao

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