The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1530: Battle between life and death (5)

Jiang Yan struggled for a long time and talked with the other three commanders.

In fact, none of them in Shijie wants to fight any more.

They have already lost, but now they are just lingering, and because the words of the broken star palace make them feel awkward.

However, the words of the Long Yue Emperor, let their chaotic mind find some rationality.

They decided to retreat!

The army of the four-nation alliance began a rapid retreat, and Shen Yanxiao did not order the people under his command to continue to pursue.

The commanders of the four countries pity their soldiers, Shen Yanxiao is even more.

"Finally, it’s over." Shen Yanxiao sat on the spine of Suzaku, and it seemed to be scattered.

This battle is the most intense since she was born again.

Looking at the corpse on the battlefield, Shen Yanxiao’s heart hurts.

These people, these demons, sacrificed themselves for the sake of the day.

If there is no such thing, this war day will not be defeated!

Seeing the retreat of the army of the four-nation alliance, there was a cheer in the camp that did not fall.

The strength of all people seems to have been evacuated. They have been brave enough to kill the enemy at the moment. At this moment, they are soft on the ground. They are iron-clad men, watching the dead bodies on the ground, and can’t help but burst into tears.

Those who fell here are their relatives and friends. They also hailed the wine yesterday, but today they are always separated.

War is always cruel, it can take many lives between moments.

"Finally, I finally won..." Du Lang looked up at the gray sky, which is why he entered the day and fell for the first time. He felt that this day was so beautiful.

"I will bring the wounded back to the city for treatment immediately!" Shen Yanxiao came to the battlefield, and when he was too late, he immediately issued an order.

Some people here have been seriously injured. If they are not treated in time, I am afraid that there will be a large number of deaths.

The war is over and she does not want another person to die.

The closed day did not fall, the city gate finally opened, waiting for the praying inside, the sound of nine dust and other people spread tears and watched this scene of Shura.

Ye Qing and Yun Hao played the spirit and led the non-combatants to start treating the wounded.

People who are also energetic have also framed their injured comrades.

They dare not calculate the casualties of this battle.

A batch of wounded people were transported to the sun, although the combatants were exhausted, but they still dragged their tired bodies to support their comrades, and Warcraft silently took on the delivery tools.

Those who were injured, those who died, Shen Yanxiao did not leave them on the cold land.

Even if they are dead, they are also heroes of the day. They still have to return to the sun and return to the city where they can defend their lives.

The women who are in the city are already crying. They endure grief and treat the wounded. They look at the **** friends lying on the ground and dying. Their hearts are like a knife.

If they can, they hope that such a battle will never happen again.

The day did not fall and began the post-war treatment, but the alliance of the four countries did not have such good luck.

They did not have a fixed camp in the ridiculous land, and they fled back all the way. A large number of wounded people died in the middle of the road.

The hearts of the four commanders sank into the bottom of the valley. They came very loudly, but now they are like a mourning dog, fleeing with their tails.

The ridiculous land has become a nightmare in the hearts of all of them. If they can, they don't want to set foot in this place.

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