The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1531: Animal tide (1)

Jiang Yan walked at the forefront of the team, his heart was gray, and looking at this strange land, he felt how ridiculous they were.

"Hey? That's... our reinforcements?" Far away, Xu Xun saw a group of people not far from the front. In the middle of the team, he vaguely saw the high-pitched siege weapons.

"It is the reinforcements! It is the reinforcements! We are saved now! The **** Shen Yan, the **** day does not fall, our reinforcements are here, we can fight back!" Qu Xun screamed eagerly, seeing the reinforcements I found hope, the fear in my heart was swept away, and I even started thinking about revenge for Shen Yanxiao and the day.

Shi Yan and Jiang Yan frowned unhappy, even if the reinforcements arrived, they did not want to fight back again, and the cruelty of the day, they have thoroughly learned.

However, it is always good to meet the reinforcements. At least they can get some bad help and can also treat the wounded.

Jiang Yan was just preparing to speed up the army, but Shi Jie stopped him.

"Wait! Something is wrong, what are they behind?" Shi Yan looked at the black pressed piece, because the distance was a little far, so he could not see clearly.

"Of course it is a soldier! What else can you! Go! We are going!" Qu Xun almost could not wait to shout.

"No... Jiang Yan, do you see if their actions are a bit confusing." Shi Yan frowned. Although he was far away, he still noticed the abnormality of the reinforcements.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the reinforcements, but in the next second, they saw a huge black shadow destroying the number of siege weapons!

"What happened..." Shi Yan widened his eyes.

"Is it true that the day does not fall and wants to kill us all the time? Only send people to intercept in the middle of the road?" Wen elders nervous.

Jiang Yan shook his head. He looked at the reinforcements carefully. Finally, he saw the true face of the black pressure!

It is not a soldier who comes to support at all, but a giant monster that looks like a face!

The monsters crushed the reinforcements insanely, and the army of tens of thousands of people was trampled into mud by the monsters in an instant.

The soldiers who escaped could not escape the crushing of the beasts. They were trampled by the group of monsters in front of the Alliance of the Four Kingdoms until the whole army was wiped out.

The troops of tens of thousands of people have not been able to survive for a minute in the monsters!

"The beast tide... is the animal tide..." Jiang Yan's face brush became pale.

The once-in-a-lifetime beast of the ridiculous land broke out at this time!

"Open... what a joke!" Qu Xun sat softly on the ground, cold sweat.

The beast tide is coming, and millions of monsters are coming out of the nest. This is the most terrible nightmare of the ridiculous land!

There is no city, any army, dare to compete with this crazy beast!

In the face of the animal tide, everything will be ashes!

"They are coming to us!" Looking at the tide of the animal that was approaching quickly, Shijie took a breath of cold air, and his eyes sparkled with incomparable fear.

Do not say that they only have more than 800,000 people now, even if they have a lot of three million people before, in the face of such a terrible animal tide, I am afraid that the end of the army will be over.

"Escape... Escape! The whole army retreats backwards!" Jiang Yan trembled and snorted, once they were brought close by the animal tide, they were only a dead end!


Tat, the war is hard to write...

I will try to write a little more tomorrow, and make up for the two days.

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