The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1539: Animal tide (9)

Shen Yanxiao was only a little relieved. If she could, she would not let Suzaku take the wounds and fight, but the situation has already been chosen by her.

"Fu Fu is not alone, but he has just repelled the alliance of the four countries. Now he has encountered a beast..." Donaghe sighed. In this case, he could not afford the spirit.

"Now, we can only work together." Yan Yudao.

"I don't know if I can count it as a god." A warm voice rang from the door.

Shen Yan Xiao turned his head and saw the white man standing at the door.

The holy king of the gods!

"Sacred King!" Shen Yan opened his mouth.

Shengjun smiled and touched his face, but he said: "I thought you would call me a feather, isn't it a flaw?"

Shen Yanxiao recognized the sacred prince in front of him, the one who awakened Suzaku in the lava valley, not Shen Siyu.

Although Shen Siyu has also been able to accommodate the appearance of a holy prince, the temperament of the two people has subtle differences.

This point Yan Yanxiao will not admit mistakes.

"Don't tease her." The same beautiful man in white, slowly coming, Wenrun Ruyu's face with a smile like a spring breeze.

"Shu Ge!" Shen Yanxiao, see Shen Siyu again, the eyes can not help but flash a smile.

"Xiao Xiao grew up." Shen Siyu looked at her little sister, she has become a girl from a little girl.

"Shu Ge, the gods are going to fight against the animal tide?" Shen Yanxiao asked, if there is a **** domain to help, then the day is not without the ability to fight with the demon!

Shen Siyu nodded.

"The fight against the beasts is the responsibility of the gods. This time the beast has arrived in advance, it is very strange, and as far as I know, the way the beasts are dispatched is very strange. They all bumped into each other, ignored the other cities, but directly It’s not right for you to come to your day.” Shen Siyu’s eyes were a bit dignified.

The beast tide is suspicious in advance, and this time the beast tide is different from usual. Before each animal tide, the monsters will be divided into several batches, and they will be deliberate, but this time they did not leave the team. The forest rushed directly toward the sun, and did not manage other cities.

Obviously, the goal of the animal tide is not to fall!

"Is it really going to the sun?" Shen Yanxiao sneaked a little, the monsters did not have any IQ, how could they not attack for no reason?

Shen Siyu said: "I don't know the reason. The monsters are different from the demons. They have no rationality, and they never listen to the command of anybody. The only loyalty to them is the higher mozu, but the passage of the demon to the bright continent has been Sealed, there should be no higher Mozu still exists here." This point, even Shen Siyu did not figure out.

Higher Mozu?

Shen Yanxiao glimpsed a little, and Satan’s figure appeared in his mind.

"Shu Ge... Satan, can you mobilize the monster?"

"Satan?" Shen Siyu's face changed dramatically.

"Isn't Satan already swallowed up by Ashura?"

Shen Yanxiao smiled and said: "I saw the soul of Satan in the mainland of God. He has been living in the tree of life. Later he was forced out. After that, he did not know where to go. I think if there is any demon in this world. If you can mobilize the words of the monster, then only Satan."


Eight ends

I owe 6 chapters in the first two days, and I will make up for it in the future.

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