The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1540: Animal tide (10)

"The soul of Satan..." Shen Siyu blinked, which is not good news.

"If you really see Satan, then it should be that he manipulated the monster to attack the day, and Ashura can easily come out and talk about this." Shen Siyu wants to be more certain.

Shen Yanxiao’s eyes are slightly lost: “It’s been spent repairing the tree of life, it’s taking too much power, and it’s been sleeping for a while.”

"In fact, I am very curious, why Satan wants the demon to attack the day without falling. If it is only because of repairing, then Xiao Xiao can escape from the sun at any time. Even if the day is not broken, Satan has no chance to do anything to Xiao Xiao." Xia always felt that things were a bit strange. Satan let the monsters come to attack. Shen Yanxiao is an individual, not easy to catch.

Qi Xia’s words made Shen Siyu fall into deep thought.

"Qi Xia said that there is reason, but now, apart from this reason, I can't think of any reason why Satan can command the monster to attack." Shen Siyu thought for a long time, and could not think of other reasons.

"In any case, the animal tide has arrived. The most important thing for us now is to survive this." Shen Yanxiao has been reluctant to think more about the reasons. Their time is not much. It is better to waste on such problems. Think about how to fight the animal tide.

"There is still some experience in the battle against the beasts. This is because the beast has never been unified before. I am afraid that it will be a hard fight. We will only enter the city. We will see many soldiers from the four countries in the day. It has also suffered a lot of damage. At this time, against the animal tide, it may be fatal to you." Sheng Jun sighed, and the day did not fall and the battle of the four kingdoms. They heard about it. Shen Siyu wanted to fight several times. However, they were pleaded by several elders of the domain.

This did not happen.

The gods have the rules of the gods, they do not participate in the battle between people.

But it is their responsibility to fight against the animal tide, and they should bear it.

Shen Yanxiao nodded, she knew that this battle is not easy, but it is good to have a **** domain help.

"The sacred domain has dispatched more than 30,000 people this time. Ten thousand of these people are strong players with more than two turns. The rest are also big professionals. Their martial arts and magic are not the same as you. Their Power has a divine power, which is more harmful to the monster." Shen Si Yu Dao.

"One thousand two-stronger!" Donnazhi swallowed aside.

It is really one of the two organizations of the bright continent.

"That... how many two strong people in the domain of God?" asked Donna curiously.

Shen Siyu said faintly: "There are not many people in the domain of God, only 20,000. The rest of the people look at the seal in the channel of the demon world, can not leave." In the past, Shen Siyu sealed the passage of the Mozu to the ground with his own godhead, but with As time passed, the seal had begun to become weak. In order to prevent the seal from disappearing, Shen Siyu established the **** domain and raised these orphans with their own sacred power. After they grew up, although they could not match the real protoss, they also had some The power of divine existence.

In addition to maintaining the stability of the bright continent, they also have a mission to reinforce the seal of the Devil's Channel!

However, this point is something that no one else knows. Only the inside of the gods knows it. Otherwise, this bright continent will be in chaos.

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