The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1542: Animal tide (12)

The beast tide hit, Shen Yanxiao did not have any panic.

"Yangxi, let the flight troops out." Shen Yan Xiao Yan ordered.

Under one order, the four-nation alliance and the day did not fall all the flying World of Warcraft all dispatched, holding a black oil drum under each of their Warcraft claws.

The soldiers of the Four Kingdoms Union did not know what Shen Yanxiao had to do. The animal tide was outside the city gate. Shen Yanxiao did not let anyone go out to fight in the city, but let them gather the flying World of Warcraft.

However, Shen Yanxiao also confirmed the previous promise, she did not let them these cannons.

The alliance of the four kingdoms and the unfettered flight of Warcraft have been integrated, and there are also tens of thousands. These flying World of Warcraft flew with a few beasts and flew past the monsters that did not fall outside.

There are not many flying monsters among the monsters. Hundreds of flying monsters have not had time to worry about it, and they are killed by this tens of thousands of flying troops.

Flying World of Warcraft hovered over the top of the monster, Suzaku burst into a tweet, and all the flying World of Warcraft at the same time smashed the oil drum under their feet!

The oil barrels of each arm length are like raining toward the monsters below. The monsters are angry and roaring, but they find that this thing does not hurt at all, it is sticky and uncomfortable.

The oil in the oil bucket will cover the group of monsters that are closest to the day, and the next second, all the fires of Warcraft will display their maximum range of fire damage!

In an instant, the raging fire spread rapidly in the front of the monster, and the transmission speed of the ignited oil was amazing.

The whole day did not fall, and it was swallowed up by a fire.

Flying World of Warcraft took advantage of its air superiority and began to madly chase the beasts surrounded by flames.

The beast sent a scream of screams under the incineration of high temperatures.

On the wall of the sun, everyone saw the picture of the beast being burned. They looked at the expressionless Yan Yanxiao strangely. I didn’t expect her to come up with the first wave of conflict with the demon. This way!

Use all the oil that has not been made into a streamer!

These flames form a natural barrier for the day when the flames are thick and thick, and they can't stand the burning of such fires.

The front-end monster has been mourned by the flame, and Shen Yanxiao has easily eliminated tens of thousands of monsters.

When people were excited, Shen Yanxiao did not relax at all.

Looking at the dense army of the beast behind her, she was shocked.

This is just the beginning. If you want to fight off the beast, it is not enough to rely on this little cleverness.

"Shu Ge, I will give it to you later." Shen Yanxiao looked at Shen Siyu. The first battle could not be done by the inexperienced four-nation alliance and the people who are not falling, otherwise they are afraid of the unknownness of the monster. It will be a serious injury and death. It is definitely the most suitable choice for the attack by God.

Shen Siyu smiled and nodded. He raised his arm with one arm and the tens of thousands of gods behind him immediately dispatched.

The gates of the sun are open, and the gods in white make them walk into the battlefield with flames, and a faint glow of light is visible on them.

It is not the sacred shield of the priest, but the shroud of divine power.

It seems that the smell of divine power is felt, and the beasts that are isolated by the flames begin to make an uneasy snarl.

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